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                     A REVoLUTIoNARY MILESToNE

                               IN ITELY HAIRfASHIoN’S

                                          37-YEAR LEgACY

                                                  EM: A celebration of both legacy and   Sourced from certified organic
                                                  innovation! what sets DELYgLow        farming in Piedmont, Italy,
                                                  apart in the ever-evolving            this liquid gold employs
                                                  landscape of hair coloring?           Hyperfermentation technology
                                                  Cf: DELyGLOW is not just a hair color;   for enhanced efficacy.
                                                  it’s a masterpiece of innovation.     Not to forget &-PLEx Bond Repair ,
                                                  Picture this: a permanent             a fusion of precious oils
                                                  ammonia-free color, ensuring          and vegetable butters,
                                                  a flawless 100% coverage of white     working harmoniously
                                                  hair, accompanied by the magic        to enhance hair brightness
                                                  of up to 4 levels of lightening.      and resilience, ensuring
                                                  But that’s not all—DELGyLOW is        maximum color performance
                                                  a tone-on-tone wizard, delicately     and superior fiber protection.
                                                  infusing hair with a mesmerizing array   And the pièce de résistance?
                                                  of vibrant and luminous reflections.   Hyaluronic Acid, with its high
                                                  As if that wasn’t enough, it’s also   molecular weight, delivering
                                                  your go-to toner, equipped with ideal   exceptional hydration, making
                                                  shades to neutralize unwanted tones   your hair not just colored but
                                                  or create dreamy pastel effects.      luxuriously nourished, soft,
                                                  The beauty of DELyGLOW lies           elastic, and brilliantly shiny.
                                                  in its ability to be a customized,
                                                  perfect match for our diverse clientele.  EM: Truly a symphony of scientific
                  EXCLUSIVE                                                             wonders! Now, I hear DELYgLow
              INTERVIEW WITH                      EM: A triple-action marvel!           is not just a breakthrough in color
              CHIARA FUSARO                       Now, let’s delve into the             but also in sustainability and ethics.

                                                  science behind DELYGLOW.              Tell us more about this
                                                  what cutting-edge technologies        conscious evolution.
            ExPORT MAGAZINE: We find              have been integrated into             Cf: Absolutely. DELyGLOW
            ourselves already taken by the        this revolutionary formula?           is not just a testament to
            vibrant energy of the upcoming        Cf: DELyGLOW houses an orchestra      our commitment to beauty
            Cosmoprof Bologna, celebrating        of innovations. The BoostColor        but also to the planet.
            not only ITELY HAIRfASHIoN’s          technology, with its liposoluble      The packaging itself is a work
            37  year in the industry but also     complexity of natural bioesters       of eco-conscious art-crafted
            unveiling an exciting chapter with    (BECA - Bioesteril Carrier System),   from recycled aluminum
            DELYgLow. Can you share with us       takes color penetration to new heights.   for the tube, FSC-certified
            the significance of this moment?      Imagine a 38% surge in color dispersion   paper for the box, and a bold
            CHIARA fUSARo: yes! It’s indeed       within the fibers, ensuring better    move of eliminating plastic film.
            a momentous occasion for ITELy        retention, uniformity post-wash,      It’s our way of ensuring that the
            HAIRFASHION. As we mark 37 years      and even a 22% improvement            entire packaging is not just recyclable
            of passion and innovation, Cosmoprof   in wet hair combability.             but proudly 100% recycled.
            Bologna becomes the stage for the     Then comes ANTAQUA, the               But that’s not where the conscious
            grand reveal of DELyGLOW, our latest   fermented rice water—an ancient      journey ends. DELyGLOW proudly
            breakthrough in the world of hair color.  secret for hair radiance.         bears the VEGAN OK certification,

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