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                   EXTREMo EXPRESS YoURSELf…

              gEN X, Y & Z Authenticity is the new cultural currency

                                                  The creators of the Extremo brand value all expressions
                                                  of people’s loving and authentic selfs. Being authentic is the
                                                  new cultural currency, because people want to feel from the
                                                  heart and want to interact with those they deem honest and real.
                                                  The Extremo family work to create professional quality products and
                                                  services that meet the needs of an increasingly diversified market.
                                                  Functionality + Purpose, of ethical origin, used to enhance
                                                  the celebration of each person and their unique
                                                  and special expression of beauty.

                                                  ToTAL PRoTECToR NUTRA-fILM
                                                  Total Protector Nutra-Film Plex neutralizes
                                                  histamines, calms, soothes and nourishes,
            EXTREMo ToTAL PRoTECToR               generating an amino-bond protection
            Molecular Amino-Polymer-Peptide       polymer network that shields and is
            Plex System                           lenitive to the skin while sustaining and
            THE SCIENCE: Our new exclusive 3D     strengthens the hair structure during
            Amino-Peptide and Glucose-Based       chemical applications, protecting the
            Amino-Polymer Technologies have       amino-peptide bonds from chemical
            multifaceted modes of action deep     aggression. Can be used before,
            into the cortex at a molecular level to   during and after chemical services.
            create new hydrogen and ionic bonds
            while Amino-Peptides rebuild the                                            gEL bLoCK Effect
            keratin chains reconnecting proteins                                        EXTRA-Strong-fIX
            for improved fiber resistance and                                           Gel with extra strong holding power
            elasticity. Biomimetic Natural Keratin                                      for blocking into place looks that
            Proteins of Various Molecular Sizes                                         challenge the force of gravity.
            act on improving the hair’s strength                                        Its strengthening, protective
            whilst providing film forming effects to                                    and extra-fixing actives give
            reinforce, lubricate and protect by filling                                 natural shine to the hair,
            and adhering perfectly to the cuticle                                       protecting the hair fiber.
            surface giving exceptional hydration,                                       vvIt dries quickly without flaking.
            shine and protection against chemical,
            mechanical and environmental stress.
            • TOTAL PROTECTOR Amino-Peptide
              Molecular Plex Shampoo
            • TOTAL PROTECTOR Amino-Peptide       ACQUA gEL STRoNg HoLD
              Molecular Plex Mask                 wet-Look fixative
            • TOTAL PROTECTOR Amino-Peptide       This lightweight strong hold gel
              Molecular Plex Leave-on Paste       is created to shape, style and
            • TOTAL PROTECTOR Amino-Peptide       hold your hairstyle in place,
              Molecular Plex Spray.               leaving hair with a soft, touchable
            This technology guarantees            and shiny wet look. It is water-based,
            incrementally improved permanent hair   leaves no residue and is easily
            fiber reconstruction over time.       removed by brushing the hair.

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