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                                                 INSPIRED BY AUSTRALIAN

                                                 NATURE FOR OPTIMAL HEALTH

                                                                                         teeth from decay and promotes healthy
                                                                                         gums and fresh breath. Super Lecithin and
                                                                                         Super  Colostrum  are  two  supplements
                                                                                         that  are  respectively  important  for  the
                                                                                         health  and  composition  of  the  cellular
          The New Pro Series from Nature’s Care                                          membrane, and supporting the immune
          offers  a  comprehensive  selection  of                                        system and helping keep the digestive
          supplements designed for daily use for                                         system healthy.
          health,  vitality,  strength,  energy  and                                     Vitamin C Chewable Tables provide all the
          beauty. Drawing inspiration from the                                           known benefits of Vitamin C and Prostate
          breathtaking beauty and vitality of the                                        Plus is formulated  for the symptomatic
          Australian landscape, the New Pro series                                       relief  of  medically  diagnosed  benign
          helps achieve optimal health and vitality                                      prostatic  hypertrophy.  Liver  Detox
          through the gifts of  nature, supported                                        35000 helps maintain a healthy digestion
          by  scientific  research  and  a  profound                                     system;  Olive  Leaf  Extract  Liquid  can
          respect for the environment. Only natural                                      be useful for the relief of pain and
          ingredients that are accurately sourced                                        inflammation of the joints and nutrient-
          and  adhere  to  the  rigorous  regulations                                    rich Spirulina supports energy levels,
          set by the Australian Therapeutic Goods      Formulations                      vitality and overall health and well-being.
          Administration (TGA) are used.                                                 Shark Cartilage is an excellent source of
          The  Pro  Series  packaging  exemplifies  the    crafted in                    mucopolysaccharides; Fish  Oil Omega 3
          Nature’s Care dedication to quality, offering                                  is a natural source of Omega 3 fatty acids
          a comprehensive selection of supplements   partnership with                    EPA and DHA, and Bio-Squalene 6 in 1
          designed for daily use, to nurture bodies,    specialists in                   Plus assists in maintaining and improving
          minds and spirits. For strength, Nature’s                                      general well-being.
          Care   proposes   Glucosamine   HCL,      nutrition, health                    Clear Vision  5000 can  help support
          Coenzyme  Q10,  Wild  Krill  Il  and  Liquid                                   healthy eye function, Squalene 1G aids
          Calcium plus Vitamin D & K.                   and wellness                     in  keeping  and  improving  general  well-
          For beauty, Sheep Placenta 5000 and                                            being and Whiz Kids Omega 3 for children
          Super Cranberry 25000 can be effective   GM-free  Manuka   Honey    MGO2O+,    is  beneficial  for  brain  and  cognitive
          aids, thanks to being respectively a rich   MGO4OO+ improves physical  vitality,   development.
          source of protein with over 30 different   while Essence of Kangaroo 35000 assists   Natural Care’s factory is located 30
          amino acids and a powerful antioxidant   in keeping or improving general well-being   km north of Sydney. From planning,
          that assists in protecting the body from   and increases body physical strength.   composition, design to construction,
          free radical damage.                   Propolis 2000 also helps maintain       the  whole  process  of  the  plant  has
          General  well-being  can  be  improved   general well-being while Propolis Active   been  carefully  planned  to  achieve the
          with Nature’s Care Garlic Oil, which also   Toothpaste  builds  a protective barrier   perfect  combination  of  natural  ecology
          boosts the immune system.              against  teeth  sensitivity,  helps  protect   protection and enterprise development.

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