P. 9


          Each   brand   must    have   exclusive
          characteristics,  with  brand  new  creative
          and qualitative products adding value and
          differentiation.  The  brand  portfolio  is  the
          translation  of  the  evolution  of  the  global
         beauty market. Beauty is a pyramid: there
          are  very  expensive,  premium  products,
         niche  products,  affordable  products  and
         masstige  products.  With  our  portfolio
         we  succeeded  to  cover  all  these  perfume
         segments. In this business, one of the keys
         is to well cover the market, with a balanced
         choice  between  the  brands  which  belong
         to  us  –  created  or  taken  over  –  and  the
         perfume licences.

         EM: Can we say that one of the secrets of
         Création Beauté International  Group is
         flexibility and constant adaptation to the
         HJ: We apply a mirror strategy on the beauty
         market,  we  have  brands  in  the  different
         segments, which go from euro 300 to euro 9.

         EM: In 10 years, you have rapidly created
         an important Group...
         HJ: We have applied the strategy of the large
         Groups adapted to our size and our human
         and financial resources. The key point, in this   Established in 2008, the brand tackles aging   EM: How is the distribution allocated at
         business,  is  to  have  a  certain  critical  mass   with  a  unique  hyaluronic  acid  complex,   international level?
         to  be  able  to  speed  up  anytime,  which  is   renowned for its deep skin replenishment and   HJ:  The  allocation  is  different  in  relation
         essential  to  keep  developing  solidly  without   15 times more penetration than conventional   to  the  product  categories  and  the  price
         becoming fragile.                         forms. Thanks to its commitment to science   levels. Considering that most of our brands
                                                   -driven  result,  it  is  positionned  in  the   are  French,  with  a  historical  presence  in
         EM: Is being ‘Made in France’ important?  dermo cosmetic segment which is the most   Europe,  we  are  very  present  in  Europe,
         HJ: It is essential, it is a major advantage so we   blooming  segment  of  the  market  at  the   with  30-40%;  distribution  in  the  other
         might as well boast of it and concretize it on   moment; mainly in Asia where we launched   regions  is  around  15%  each  (Middle  East,
         the ground. All our activity is based in Paris,   the brand with fantastic results.   Far  East,  U.S.)  with  important  marketing
         our offices, creation, packaging and logistics   The integration of this skincare brand in our   and  distribution  investments  to  promote
         never far from us. All our brands are ‘made in   Group, help us to reach and develop the Asian   constant growth.
         France’ and all the ingredients to compose the   market even better with our global portfolio.   We  have  a  very  professional  export  team
         fragrances are sourced in France.         Similarly,  the  acquisition  of  Black  Up,  a   to whom we give all the necessary support,
                                                   highly  specialized  make-up  brand  for  dark   both from the point of view of training and
         EM:  You  started  with  fragrances  and   and very dark skins, so strong in the USA and   communication.
         in recent years you have launched a       in Africa, will help us to develop strongly in   At the same time, thanks to our diversified
         skincare  brand,  Rexaline:  how  did  the   these regions. The brand portfolio, which is   offer on the three beauty axes, fragrances,
         market welcome this line?                 in  constant  evolution  and  includes  today  a   skincare  and  make-up,  we  can  offer  to
         HJ:  Rexaline  is  a  clinical  anti-aging  brand   total of 17 brands, is a key driver for Création   our  distributors  and  partners  in  the
         which merges the best of American scientific   Beauté  International  Group  to  reach  its   world the tools they need, as they are the
         innovation with French luxury.            targets on the global beauty market.     ambassadors of our brands.

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