Page 12 - Export Magazine
P. 12
A proactive approach to the most challenging markets,
such as china and India
In China, for example, we’re witnessing EM: Besides challenges, how is
a rising demand for high-quality hair ITELy Hairfashion adapting to the
care products, driven by increasing changing international economic
urbanization and the desire to follow landscape, which has seen a shift
global beauty trends. In India, in the economic center towards
where tradition and culture play a central and Eastern Asia?
significant role, there’s a growing fI: The changing international
market for natural and sustainable economic landscape is undeniable,
products, in line with local preferences. and Central and Eastern Asia play
The opportunities are immense, a pivotal role in this shift. ITELy
but we are also aware of the unique Hairfashion is addressing this
challenges in these markets. dynamic with a proactive approach.
We’re strengthening our focus
EM: Speaking of challenges, in China and India through
could you share some of the key investments specifically targeted.
bureaucratic or regulatory challenges We’re also focusing on adapting
that the cosmetic companies our marketing strategies to reflect
are facing in china and India? local preferences and trends.
fI: Certainly, bureaucratic challenges Furthermore, we recognize the
can be significant in these markets. importance of increased digitalization
In China, for example, there are and a stronger online presence
complex regulations related to the in these rapidly growing markets.
import of hair care products that require E-marketing is becoming
rigorous and very expensive regulatory increasingly important,
compliance. Additionally, import and we’re working to make
policies and tariffs can vary and our products easily accessible to
Export MagazinE MEt impact the cost of products. consumers through digital channels.
FRANCESCO IOPPOLO, In India, product safety regulations We collaborate closely with industry
Export DirEctor, for hair care are continually evolving. professionals and seek to understand
itELY HairfasHion We are committed to ensuring all our their specific needs, contributing
products meet both local and global to the development of targeted
standards, which requires ongoing products for the Asian market.
ExPORT MAGAZINE: good morning, effort to stay updated and compliant We believe that continuous innovation
Mr. Ioppolo. What significant with evolving regulations. and a deep understanding of local
opportunities do you see However, it’s important to note that markets will be key to our success
in these two Asian market giants? these challenges do not deter us. in this new economic era.
fRANcESco IoPPoLo: China With a very wide panorama of
and India represent two of the most countries where we already export, EM: Thank you, Mr. Ioppolo,
dynamic and promising markets in the we are dedicated to investing in for your informative and clear
world. Both have a growing middle staff training and working closely perspective. what message
class that is increasingly beauty and with local authorities to ensure would ITELy Hairfashion like
appearance-conscious. This creates a regulatory compliance and product to share with stakeholders and
huge opportunity for ITELy Hairfashion as safety. Addressing these challenges consumers in china and India?
consumers seek high-quality products to is an integral part of our long-term fI: TELy Hairfashion wants to
meet their beauty and hair care needs. commitment to international markets. communicate to stakeholders and