Page 38 - Export Magazine
P. 38


                                emBRAcINg PRogReSS

                                        ANd INNoVATIoN

                                                                                        A conversation with


                                                                                        visionary ceos

                                                                                        As we approach the brink of
                                                                                        a new year, it’s a moment of
                                                                                        reflection, celebration, and
                                                                                        anticipation for what lies ahead.
                                                                                        Amidst the dynamic realm of
                                                                                        haircare products and industry
                                                                                        trends, MY.ORGANICS stands out
                                                                                        as a beacon of innovation and
                                                                                        commitment to excellence.
                                                                                        In an exclusive interview with
                                                                                        the CEOs of MY.ORGANICS,
            EXPORT MAGAZINE: Alessandro,          On the other hand, the South Korean   Alessandro and Alberto Lievore,
            the year 2023 has come to an end.     market is quite difficult to break due to   we delve into the triumphs and
            Would you say you’re satisfied        the huge presence of well-established   milestones of the past year.
            with what you and my.oRgANIcS         national brands in our field. However,   Moreover, we uncover their
            have accomplished?                    we are not ones to shy away from      insightful plans and aspirations
            ALeSSANdRo LIeVoRe: It has            challenges...                         to propel MY.ORGANICS towards
            been a year full of novelties, positive                                     greater achievements in 2024.
            changes, and growth. My.ORGANICS is   EM: Alberto, you’re in charge of
            continuously improving, and I couldn’t   the Research and Development
            be prouder. We are an ambitious team   department. How would you consider
            with a strong desire to keep getting   my.oRgANIcS closure of this year?
            better and continue to amaze you.     ALBeRTo LIeVoRe: We are incredibly
                                                  proud of how this year has gone and
            EM: you recently visited china and    the results we’ve achieved. We’re
            South Korea during a work trip in Asia   closing with a 40% increase, both in
            for both countries’ exhibitions: could   Italy and abroad. We didn’t expect such
            you share any observations you’ve     a positive result, and that’s become a
            made regarding these two realities?   significant source of pride for us.
            do you believe my.oRgANIcS could
            have a chance to expand into          EM: we know you’re highly attentive
            these markets in the future?          and put a lot of care into developing
            AL: Both realities surprised me greatly   new products; you’re never short of   We’re very confident in how it will turn
            in terms of work type and organization.   ideas. Can you give us any spoilers   out and can’t wait to see the results.
            The aim of the visit was to explore   about a new product or collection set
            different techniques, to take a breath of   to launch in 2024?              To wrap up this enlightening discussion,
            fresh air in the hairstyling world, and we   AL: One of the products we’ll be   thanking Alessandro and Alberto for
            were not disappointed. Surely, we face   launching at Cosmoprof Bologna 2024   generously sharing their invaluable
            two very different realities. China turned   is the Curly Hair line, a brand-new   insights, MY.ORGANICS hopes for a
            out to be a truly interesting perspective   line for MY.ORGANICS, specifically   visionary 2024, brimming with new
            on which we would like to expand.     designed for every type of curl.      beginnings and resounding success.

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