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                                                  ELEVATING TRADITIoNAL

                                                  HAIRDRYERS To THE IQ pHYLoSopHY.

                                                  A TRADITIoNAL BLoW DRYER HAS
                                                  NEVER BEEN So SMART

                                                  consuming extra energy. This results   patented GA.MA technology, that
                                                  in excellent performance while        guarantees a longer life cycle and total
                                                  maintaining energy efficiency.        safety of the professional. It ensures
                                                  Incorporating Oxy-Active Technology,   constant performance and prevents
                                                  the iQ Lite Max emits huge amount     dangerous overheating by controlling
                                                  of negative ions and active oxygen,   the temperature emitted by the hair
                                                  with antifungal, antibacterial, and   dryer. When the temperature is too high,
                                                  rejuvenating properties. These        the dryer will automatically turn on the
                                                  elements penetrate deeply into the hair,   back light to signal the problem and will
                                                  promoting maximum hair regeneration,   then proceed to reduce the resistance’s
                                                  and producing brighter, longer-lasting   power (to a minor Wattage level) in
            Global hair tools leader GA.MA Italy   styling and color treatments. The Active   order to cool down the hairdryer and
            Professional proudly introduces the   Oxygen and Negative Ions neutralize   avoid dangerous overheating.
            new iQ Lite Max hairdryer, designed   the harmful effects of permanent
            as the ultimate tool for professional   color chemicals, sealing the hair
            stylists. This revolutionary hairdryer   cuticles, and protecting them
            encompasses all the essential features   from damage caused by free
            of the iQ Perfetto line philosophy in   radicals and chemicals.
            a hybrid model, ensuring top-notch    This results in the Color Lock effect,
            performance, durability and advanced   supporting the health of colored
            haircare technology. Equipped with    hair and prolonging the duration
            a powerful and long-lasting 32 mm     and brilliance of permanent
            Digital Professional Motor, the iQ Lite   coloring treatments.
            Max delivers the best professional    The iQ Lite Max also features an
            performance reaching an impressive    innovative Double Micro-Filter
            85,000 rpm. The Venturi air outlet,   System, protecting the hair from
            boost the engine’s already impressive   environmental dirt and ensuring
            power, all while consuming less energy.   longer life of the engine. The
            Weighing only 318 grams (0.7 lbs), it   external microperforated filter
            is as light as a smartphone, making it   prevents airborne dirt particles
            incredibly easy to handle and reducing   from entering the hairdryer and
            fatigue for stylists during extended use.  reaching the hair. It is visible and easy   The iQ Lite Max has two air-speed
            Despite its advanced features, the    to remove, ensuring routine cleaning   and 3 temperature settings and also
            hairdryer maintains a traditional feel   is quick and effortless. The internal   includes a Cool Air Shot feature, which
            and controls, making it familiar      professional mesh filter provides an   helps lock the hair’s structure in place,
            and user-friendly for professionals.  additional layer of protection, trapping   contributing to longer-lasting styles.
            Thanks to its smart air outlet design,   even the smallest particles and hair   The hairdryer comes with two professional
            iQ Lite Max utilizes the Venturi Effect   spray. Additionally, the hairdryer comes   nozzles, narrow and wide, a deep diffuser,
            to multiply the airflow and pressure   with x3 extra mesh filters, which are   and a non-slip pad, providing versatility
            delivered by the engine through a     washable and reusable up to 50 times,   for various styling needs. Available
            suction effect, achieving excellent   allowing for uninterrupted work.      in black and red, the iQ Lite Max is
            professional performance without      The System-C Technology, an exclusive   designed exclusively for professional use.

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