P. 6
The aluminum collection outstanding for its versatility
systems in PP / PCR PP /
As an alternative to the
atmospheric collection,
Lumson includes in
its portfolio also the
airless version, TAL,
the airless system in an
aluminum container,
in 50 – 75 – 100ml sizes.
Perfect for those formulas
that need protection from air
and other external agents,
TAL guarantees the absolute
product’s purity and integrity
with its ultimate airless
hermetic technology.
An eco-friendly airless
system not only for the
material it is made of*,
but also for the responsible
In recent years, there has grown Combining technical expertise with deep-seated values
a noticeable interest in sustainable
and alternative materials to plastic, such as creativity, innovation, uncompromised quality,
and this approach has led the and respect for work, Lumson successfully meets the needs of
company to introduce aluminum a constantly evolving market through its packaging solutions.
for some of its solutions. As a result of relentless commitment to R&D blended
ESSENTIAL, the latest new aluminum with the research of new sustainable materials, Lumson
collection recently introduced
by Lumson, is one of these. is able to offer a wide range of primary packaging that
With its minimal design this collection perfectly satisfies functional, technological, aesthetic,
consists of 4 atmospheric bottles and environmental performance requirements.
in 50 - 75 - 100 - 150ml sizes and
can be paired with cream and Aluminium is also an eco-friendly approach given to the consumers.
spray pumps (in higher dosages). option. Not only is it the most common TAL has been developed with
The choice of this material, together metal present on the Earth but it’s a unique technology specifically
with high sizes and the different also light, modern, and has many studied to allow the consumer
accessories to be matched, make technical properties that mean it can to separate the aluminum
of ESSENTIAL an extremely versatile be recycled an infinite number of times components from plastic ones
collection that perfectly fits for different while maintaining its characteristics. and recycle each part
market sectors as skin care, body care, To increase this sustainable approach, appropriately, after being used.
hair care and sun care. ESSENTIAL can be also made A concrete answer, at the same
Moreover, it can be easily customized in 100% PCR Aluminum and time both safe and effective,
with decorations and finishes up for a 360° result, bottles can be to the cosmetic market requests
to 6 colors for remarkable results. combined with dispensing for sustainable options.
*100% PCR ALUMINUM version available