P. 72



                                                  NATURAL & oRGANIC

                                                  pRoDUCTS EXpo

                                                  MIDDLE EAST IN DUBAI

                                                  The stand of the Municipality of      an important occasion for networking
                                                  Francofonte was designed with         and development for local businesses.
                                                  a high degree of care and attention   Thanks to this international showcase,
                                                  to detail, being characterized        Sicilian producers have had the chance
                                                  by its strong impact graphic          to make known the excellences of their
                                                  customization which recalled the      region to a highly qualified public,
                                                  beauty and the tradition of Sicily.   fostering the growth and expansion
                                                  The use of evocative images           of their markets of reference.
                                                  of Sicilian landscapes and the        In conclusion, the participation of
                                                  presentation of local products        the Municipality of Francofonte in
                                                  in a modern and refined context       the Natural & Organic Products Expo
                                                  attracted the attention of many       Middle East in Dubai becomes a
                                                  buyers from the whole of the          significant step to strengthen the
                                                  Middle East, Africa and South Asia.   presence of Sicily on the international

            The Municipality of Francofonte, in
            the heart of Sicily, recently took part
            in the prestigious Natural & Organic
            Products Expo Middle East in Dubai,
            consolidating its position as a point of
            reference for the excellence of Sicilian
            products on the international scene.
            The event, held at the Dubai World
            Trade Centre, was attended by         In particular, the red Tarocco orange,   scene of natural and organic
            numerous exhibitors from all over the   the fruit that is the symbol of the region,   products, giving a further boost
            world, with a special focus on natural,   aroused great interest, with various   to the promotion of the its
            organic and innovative products.      commercial contacts and opportunities   extraordinary agricultural excellences.
            Among the many Italian exhibitors,    for distribution at international level.   This event has shown how Sicily is a
            the Municipality of Francofonte       The quality and the uniqueness of     pole of attraction for buyers from all
            shone thanks to a careful selection   this product have once again shown    over the world, confirming the role of
            of typical Sicilian products,         the value of Sicilian production in the   Francofonte as ambassador
            among which the red Tarocco           global context of the agri-food market.  of Sicilian traditions in the world.
            orange, a fruit unique in the world,   The success of the participation     On a practical side, there were also two
            famous for its unmistakable           of the Municipality of Francofonte    days of cooking shows, with prestigious
            flavour and its extraordinary         in the show is not limited to the     Italian chefs demonstrating how
            nutritional properties, stands out.   visibility obtained, but also represents   oranges can be used in cooking.

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