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                                                           PLATINUM BREAKFAST

          ALYSONOLDOINI Parfums is  synonymous  with       The attention and awareness of the preciousness
          Italian  excellence.  The  company  has  operated  in   of the perfumes recall the need to dress up the
          the field of high end artistic perfumery since 2013.   bottles according to the concept of exclusivity.
          The ALYSONOLDOINI brand has an important         Every detail is studied in order to be perfect.
          noble heritage belonging to the Oldoini family, from   The  spray  of  the  perfume  finely  nebulizes  the
          Liguria, a patrician Genoese house.              fragrance, according to the rules of artistic
          The  aristocratic  family  originating  from  La  Spezia   perfumery. The rare essential oils are processed
          in  Liguria  appears  in  the  official  list  of  the  State   according to a formula patented and registered for
          Archives and in the Golden Book of Italian nobility.   the creation of an Eau de Parfum.
          Her innate creative capacity to translate her ideas
          into design has allowed her to compose an original   Unexpected luxury
          line of fragrances. Alyson Oldoini is the founder of
          the ALYSON line. To her way of thinking, olfactory
          sensations represent  the  identity card  of  each
          person’s  emotions.  This  is  why  she  wanted  to   The Eau de Parfums in the ALYSON line are the
          translate her story into perfume.                result of years of olfactory study, approved by
          Alyson  Oldoini  uses  the  synergy  with  important   Alyson herself. Each scent bears the name of the
          perfumers  active  on  the  international  scene.  As   rarest components identifying it.
          industrial designer and creative director of the   The ritual gesture of spraying each perfume recalls
          fragrances, Alyson personally designed the Platinum   the concept  of the  return  of  precious moments,
          galvanic bottle of the brand’s perfume line.     through  a  journey  in  first  class  in  the  olfactory
          The sketches of the exclusive designs are the result   memory.  ALYSONOLDOINI  presents  the  Platinum
          of her intuition.                                breakfast collection.
                                                                                              Claudia Stagno
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