P. 112


                    RETURNS To THE fIRST QUARTER

                           of THE YEAR wITH LEADINg

                                PRoDUCT INNoVATIoNS

                  As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm

                                                  The 26  edition of BeautyAsia returns   exhibitors bringing in bold innovations,
                                                  to its original event period in the first   latest technologies and new-to-market
                                                  quarter of the year and saw an increase   product developments to BeautyAsia
                                                  in international exhibitors ready     Singapore. We are excited to see what’s
                                                  to showcase newest trends and         new and upcoming in the 27  edition
                                                  a wide variety of products.           of BeautyAsia next year from 17-19
                                                  Setting the pace for the year, exhibitors   February 2025 at Marina Bay Sands
                                                  from 17 countries lead the way in     Singapore.” added Gillian Loh,
                                                  the annual BeautyAsia extravaganza    Project Manager of Lines Exhibition.
                                                  with their diverse range of innovative
                                                  products and services, networking
                                                  and gathering potential contacts and
                                                  business opportunities for the year.
                                                  The three-day distinguished exhibition,
                                                  held in February at the prominent Marina
                                                  Bay Sands, saw more than 40% increase
                                                  in exhibitors from Japan and welcomed
                                                  exhibitors from Australia, Austria, China,
                                                  Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Korea,
                                                  Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan,
                                                  Thailand, Vietnam, among others.
                                                  “It’s another exciting time early in the year
                                                  for the beauty and wellness industry in
                                                  Asia. We have witnessed how the
                                                  market has evolved over the recent
                                                  years and are glad to continue to gather
                                                  encouraging support for BeautyAsia
                                                  from foreign exhibitors near and
                                                  far participating in the trade show.
                                                  We are pleased to receive the heartening
                                                  feedback from exhibitors at this year’s
                                                  event for their participation, citing new
                                                  business contacts gained, successful
                                                  market testing and valuable branding
                                                  awareness. As the call continues for clean   BeautyAsia has been the trusted avenue
                                                  beauty, natural and organic skincare,   for professionals, global businesses and
                                                  inner personal well-being, sustainable   budding entrepreneurs to convene,
                                                  holistic solutions and the emergence   connect and network with invaluable
                                                  of AI to redefine beauty, it is without   opportunities within the region’s
                                                  a doubt that we will see a rise in    beauty and wellness industry.

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