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                            THE NEw PARLUX ETHoS®

                                AND PARLUX ELYSIUM®

                                         The hairdryers of the future

            The world of hairdrying and hairstyling   and with truly effective performances,   styling, eliminating tangling and owing
            is evolving even further thanks to two   these models ensure the possibility of   more comfortable and efficient
            new professional hairdryers with unique   very fast drying and perfect long-lasting   handling of the cable during use.
            and exceptional features: the Parlux   styles. With the same interface of use   In addition, thanks to the intuitive digital
            ETHOS® and the Parlux ELySIUM®.       and high performances, Parlux ETHOS®   interface, it is possible to customize the
            Their names from the Greek accentuate   and Parlux ELySIUM® allow choosing the   drying experience as never before.
            the peculiarities that characterize them.   design of the model you prefer without   Both models have 3 speeds
            The name ETHOS means Ethics and       compromises in the results. Both have   and 3 temperatures which allow
            recalls the tradition and the values that,   ergonomic designs, professional digital   selecting 9 combinations in order
            even in this product of great technology,   motors, excellent balance, optimum   to easily choose the optimum setting
            are found in its classic design and   power, sturdiness and in particular   for the type of style to be achieved.
            in the professional quality, for which   technological innovation, with two   This freedom of combination
            Parlux is known all over the world.   exclusive new features.               between temperature and
            The name ELySIUM evokes the future,   One of the main new features of the   air speed in the Parlux ETHOS®
            reflected in its design and in the    Parlux ETHOS® and Parlux ELySIUM®     and Parlux ELySIUM® models
            technology it encloses. Both these    is the revolutionary and patented 360°   lets the hairstylist once again
            products represent the new generation   twisting cable, STC – “Special Twisting   find the performances of the best loved
            of professional Parlux hairdryers.    cable”, which allows complete freedom   Parlux models such as the Digitalyon,
            Increasingly lighter, quieter, reliable   of movement at every moment of    the Alyon and many others.

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