P. 74


                                DUbAI: oRgANIC EXPo

                                         SETS NEw HIgHS!

              The exclusive trade event in the Middle East for organic

                      and natural products was a resounding success

                                                                                        throughout the year before the show.
                                                                                        Almost 2,000 appointments between
                                                                                        exhibitors and buyers were scheduled
                                                                                        before the show was opened and a
                                                                                        further 800 onsite meetings between
                                                                                        exhibitors and VIP Buyers took place
                                                                                        which increased the effectiveness of
                                                                                        expo participation.

            The 21  Middle East Organic and       A standout accomplishment of
            Natural Products Expo, held at the Dubai   this year’s event was its incredible
            World Trade Centre (DWTC) from 12     expansion, by not just doubling in size
            to 14  December 2023 attracted over   but attracting a substantial increase
            12,000 trade visitors from 59 countries,   in both exhibitors and attendees. The
            seamlessly bringing together some of   event saw an astounding rise in the   The event showcased continuous
            the world’s finest brands and products   number of participating countries,   participation from top producing
            in Food &Beverages, Health & Wellness,   reflecting the global significant and   countries such as Greece, Turkiye,
            Beauty & Cosmetics, Agriculture &     appeal of the Middle East Organic     Poland, Ukraine, Russia and Iran. Korea,
            Environment, and Sustainable Living.   and Natural Products expo. Notably,   Italy, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Rwanda,
            With 300 exhibitors from 63 countries,   bookings for next year have already   Ghana, Turkmenistan, Bhutan, China
            the show is recognized as the largest   surged to an impressive 42%.        and the Philippines made their debut
            and most comprehensive b2b sourcing   Thanks to a 365-day export promotion   through their national country pavilions.
            platform in the Middle East.          platform, exhibitors received monthly   Next year’s expo, which celebrates
            The largest and most attended in the   buyer leads curated by the buyer teams   22 years of creating a year-round
            event’s 20-year history, the expo was   and online sales and enquiries through   export promotion platform, will be
            102% larger in size and surpassed all   the wholesale eCommerce portal,     held from 18  to 20  November
            goals in trade buyer attendance.               at the Dubai World Trade Centre.

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