P. 92


                                                  MAAD: A bRAND

                                                  wITH A STRoNgLY


                                                  IDENTITY MADE UP

                                                  of EXPERIENCE

                                                  AND INNoVATIoN

            ExPORT MAGAZINE: what is the          EM: In addition to expertise in the   our brand as a unique and innovative
            DNA of MAAD and what makes            trichological sector, your company    option. In addition, the hairdressers
            you specialists in the sector?        has an inclination towards the        have emphasized how our distinctive
            MAAD: Maad has a distinctive DNA      ‘natural’, as shown by the name ‘The   communication has contributed to
            coming from its background of over    Horto’. How was this line conceived?  differentiating their salons, attracting
            25 years of experience in sales in the   MAAD: “The Horto” line was conceived   a younger clientele looking for
            sector. This experience has allowed   with a profound inspiration at the roots   innovative proposals in hair care.
            us to formulate high quality products   of the family tradition and the bond
            suitable for a wide range of hair types.   with nature. We took inspiration from
            Our constant research is translated   our grandmother’s garden, a place full
            into the use of premium ingredients,   of aromatic herbs, plants and secrets
            guaranteeing visible and lasting results   handed down over generations.
            without compromising the health of    This connection with the origins made
            the hair. In addition, our exclusive   us create hair treatments which reflect
            fragrances give a unique sensory touch,   the authenticity and the purity of nature.
            creating a recognizable identity for   Thanks to the combination of herbs,
            our brand. In short, our experience,   pure essential oils and trichological
            advanced formulas and inebriating     studies, we have been able to develop
            fragrances make us stand out          products that not only improve
            as specialists in the sector,         the health of the hair but also offer
            offering products of excellence       an exciting sensory experience,
            for the care and beauty of the hair.  transporting clients on a journey
                                                  through the aromas and benefits
                                                  of Mediterranean nature.
                                                                                        EM: Is the development of international
                                                  EM: Your communication is definitely   markets one of your priorities?
                                                  ‘provocative’. what type of reaction   MAAD: Of course, the development
                                                  do you get from your clientele,       of international markets is one of
                                                  from hairdressers to consumers?       our main priorities. We believe that
                                                  MAAD: Our communication strategy      our presence at global level not
                                                  for the brand, which we could define   only allows us to gain new market
                                                  ‘provocative’, has obtained an        opportunities but also contributes to
                                                  extremely positive reaction both      our objective of sustainable growth
                                                  from our clientele and from           and the consolidation of our brand at
                                                  hairdressers and consumers.           international level. We are committed
                                                  The distinctive and audacious nature   to developing effective strategies to
                                                  of our presentation has captured the   penetrate new markets, meet the needs
                                                  public’ attention, allowing them to stand   of clients all over the world and build
                                                  out from the mass and to perceive     up solid international partnerships.

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