Page 24 - Export Magazine
P. 24


                                      ITeLy hAIRfAShIoN

                       A TRuSTeD pARTNeR foR The

                AMeRICAN MARKeT AND BeyoND

                                       A strong commitment to push
                                       the bounderies of innovation

                                                  results. Since our establishment, we   In fact, we are proud to announce that
                                                  have remained dedicated to continuous   our products are certified by Vegan
                                                  improvement and have expanded our     OK, an organization that verifies
                                                  presence globally, including the United   both the production processes and
                                                  States, where we have been present    individual products for their adherence
                                                  since 1989.                           to vegan and sustainable practices.
                                                                                        This certification is a testament to our
                                                  EM: That’s impressive. We understand   dedication to providing hairstylists and
                                                  that ITELY Hairfashion is undergoing a   consumers with haircare products that are
                                                  revitalization of its product lines with   not only effective but also aligned with
                                                  significant investments in both product   their ethical choices. By choosing Vegan
                                                  quality and performance. Could you    OK, we are ensuring that our products
                                                  tell us more about these initiatives and   are free from animal-derived ingredients
                                                  how ITELY Hairfashion is prioritizing   and have been produced using methods
                                                  environmental sustainability?         that minimize harm to the environment.
                                                  FI: Certainly. As part of our commitment
                                                  to continuous improvement, ITELY      EM: That’s commendable.
                                                  Hairfashion is investing heavily in the   Moving forward, what new strategies
                                                  enhancement of our product lines. We   or initiatives does ITELY Hairfashion
                                                  are focused on developing formulas    have in place to further expand
                                                  that not only deliver exceptional     ùits presence and market share
                                                  results but also adhere to stringent   in the American market?
                                                  environmental standards.              FI: Thank you. As we look to the
                                                  We have undertaken extensive research   future, ITELY Hairfashion is dedicated
                                                  to identify and source raw materials that   to implementing a new distribution
                                                  are as eco-friendly as possible.      strategy in the United States.

       Export MagazinE MEt
       Export DirEctor,
       itELY HairfasHion

            EXPORT MAGAZINE: Good morning Mr.
            Ioppolo, could you tell us a bit about
            ITELY Hairfashion and its history?
            Hairfashion was founded in Italy in 1987
            with a mission to provide hairstylists
            with the highest quality, cutting-edge
            products that deliver exceptional

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