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                                                  that our products remain relevant and   are reliable, cutting-edge, and respectful
                                                  sought after in the American haircare   of the environment. With ITELY
                                                  market. In summary, ITELY Hairfashion is   Hairfashion, hairstylists can embrace
                                                  embarking on a new distribution strategy   their artistry and transform their clients’
                                                  that embraces innovative methods,     hair into vibrant, healthy works of art.
                                                  while also prioritizing the essential   Our message to hairstylists is that we
                                                  role of hairstylists. Through targeted   understand the challenges they face
                                                  marketing, comprehensive training     and are committed to providing them
                                                  programs, and an unwavering dedication   with the tools they need to succeed.
                                                  to understanding the industry’s evolving   Through our continuous product
                                                  landscape, we are confident in our    development and collaborations with
                                                  ability to strengthen our presence in the   industry influencers, we aim to inspire
                                                  United States and continue delivering   creativity and empower hairstylists to
            We understand the evolving landscape   exceptional products and support to   push the boundaries of their craft.
            of the haircare industry and recognize   hairstylists and consumers.        To consumers, we want to emphasize
            the importance of adapting to changing                                      that ITELY Hairfashion is a brand they
            consumer behaviors. Our focus is on                                         can trust to deliver exceptional haircare
            exploring new avenues for product                                           experiences. We prioritize the health
            distribution, leveraging digital platforms                                  and integrity of their hair, offering a wide
            and e-commerce to make our products                                         range of shades that cater to diverse hair
            easily accessible to hairstylists and                                       types and ethnicities. Our commitment
            consumers alike. By embracing                                               to sustainability means that they can feel
            these emerging channels, we aim to                                          good about the choices they make when
            enhance convenience and provide                                             using our products. In conclusion, ITELY
            a seamless shopping experience.                                             Hairfashion’s rich history, dedication to
            Furthermore, we are committed                                               quality, sustainability, and innovative
            to supporting hairstylists through                                          spirit positions us as a brand that
            comprehensive marketing and                                                 hairstylists and consumers can rely on.
            training strategies. We believe that                                        Whether in the salon or at home, our
            the fundamental work of hairstylists                                        products are designed to elevate the
            is invaluable, and it is our mission to                                     haircare experience, allowing hairstylists
            provide them with the necessary tools                                       to create stunning transformations and
            and knowledge to excel in their craft.   EM: Impressive plans. ITELY        consumers to embrace their unique
            Through targeted marketing campaigns   Hairfashion’s vision for the future   style. As we continue our journey in
            and educational programs, we aim to   is exciting. Could you summarize      the American market and beyond,
            empower hairstylists with the expertise   it and the message you would like   we remain committed to pushing the
            and confidence to achieve exceptional   to convey to hairstylists and       boundaries of innovation, prioritizing
            results using ITELY Hairfashion products.  consumers in the United States?  sustainability, and partnering with
            At the core of our strategy is a deep   FI: ITELY Hairfashion’s vision for the   hairstylists and consumers to achieve
            understanding of the hairstyling      future is to continue revolutionizing   exceptional haircare results.
            profession and the importance of      the haircare industry by providing                            Claudia Stagno
            building strong relationships with    hairstylists with the highest quality,
            hairstylists. By listening to their   environmentally conscious products that
            feedback, understanding their needs,   enable them to unleash their creativity
            and collaborating closely with them, we   and achieve stunning results for their
            can continue to innovate and develop   clients. We are committed to pushing
            products that meet their expectations   the boundaries of innovation, always
            and enable them to deliver outstanding   striving for excellence and sustainability.
            services to their clients. As part of our   To hairstylists and consumers in the
            commitment to staying ahead of market   United States, we want to convey that
            trends, we constantly monitor consumer   ITELY Hairfashion is not just a brand
            demands and preferences. This enables   but a trusted partner. We are here
            us to develop innovative solutions that   to support hairstylists’ professional
            address evolving needs and ensure     journeys, offering them products that

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