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                       INfoRMA MARKeTS VIeTNAM

                                oRGANIzeS The TRADe

                                    SHOW vIETBEAUTY &

                     CoSMoBeAuTÉ VIeTNAM 2023

                  A tightened up partnerships between international
                                         and vietnamese enterprises

            Ho Chi Minh City, July 27th – 29th, 2023,   The market is expected to grow   wishing to extend product lines
            Informa Markets Vietnam will operate   annually with the CAGR at 3.32%      or new players to explore Vietnam’s
            the well-known trade show - Vietbeauty   (Statista, 2023-2027). As living standards   cosmetics and personal care market.
            & Cosmobeauté Vietnam 2023 at         in Vietnam develop, Vietnamese        Meanwhile, Vietnam remains
            Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center   consumers are becoming more aware   an attractive spotlight for foreign
            – SECC, 799 Nguyen Van Linh, District 7,   of personal care and beauty products   investment, with reasonable
            HCMC. This exhibition aims to provide   besides basic needs. A middle-class   policies and preferential customs
            a valuable platform for Vietnamese    female in Vietnam spends an average   duty for global enterprises.
            enterprises to connect with potential   of VND 450,000 – VND 500,000 (US$19
            suppliers in beauty and healthcare    – US$21) monthly on makeup and        In that context, Vietbeauty &
            sector, generate access to cutting-edge   skincare (Vietnam Briefing, 2022).   Cosmobeauté Vietnam 2023 returns
            technologies in aesthetics, and heads up   In those years, foreign cosmetics   to provide an inclusive exhibition
            with the latest trends in beauty industry.  brands obtain a strong presence   space that connects suppliers with
                                                  in Vietnam, up to 93% of beauty       business buyers. Through this event,
            The Beauty & Personal Care market is   and personal care products.          global beauty brands can approach
            thriving and one of the fastest growing   Vietnamese people tend to be more   potential distributors in Vietnam, while
            consumer markets in Vietnam, driven by   health-conscious and pay attention   trade visitors can discover high-quality
            the Cosmetics and Skin Care segments.   to the ingredients of beauty products   products, stay updated on new trends,
            Revenue in the Beauty & Personal Care   in the market. This brings up new   and learn about the latest wave of
            market amounts to US$2.36bn in 2023.   opportunities for cosmetics companies   technology in the beauty industry.

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