Page 65 - Export Magazine
P. 65


                                                                                               gINA jACOby-CLEmENtS
                                                                                              cHiEf inspiration officEr
                                                                                               REVENUE OF INSPIRATION
                                                                                                   BRAND UNCOVER

                                                                                        marketplace and/or brick & mortar
                                                                                        readiness) in order to launch in the USA.
                                                                                        Gina  Jacoby-Clements explains why,
                                                                                        in her view, expanding into the United
                                                                                        States can be such a major undertaking
                                                                                        for emerging brands: “The country is so
                                                                                        big, it’s almost like there are five countries
                                                                                        built into one. It’s important to work with
                                                                                        someone that has a level of understanding
                                                                                        of this geographic landscape and can
                                                                                        help you work critically to ensure your
                                                                                        strategy aligns with that market.”

                                                                                                   tAyLOR bARRy
                                                                                              foUnDEr & BranD BUiLDEr
                                                                                                 THE BEAUTY ATELIER
                                                                                                   BRAND UNCOVER
            IDeNTITy wITh DISTRIBuTIoN                               Regarding distribution channels for Clean Beauty & Wellness
            CHANNEL & OPTIMIZING OMNICHANNELS                        brands, Jacoby-Clements noted: “We see a lot of success with
                                                                     the spa / resort destination spa / day spa channel. Not only
                                                                     do they support a level of brand awareness, they also move
            “there is only one way                                   much faster than some retail channels. Some brands fit well in
            to  expand your  business                                apothecary grocery. These apothecaries are high end locations
            internationally successfully:                            that sell skincare, cosmetics, organic foods and support and
            having the right connections,                            overall healthy lifestyle. They are very popular on both coasts
            investing in the right tools, and                        and in major cities. In addition to this, traditional retail, specialty,
            knowing what your brand is the                           mass, and e-commerce are all channels that win here in the U.S.
            best at, versus your competitors.”                       It all comes down to what fits the brand, what their end goal is,
            - Catherine Cochaud, CC8 International                   and how they’ve positioned themselves.”
                                                                     With a background in both prestige retail and brand building,
                                                                     Taylor Barry explains why building an omnichannel operation
            Both Gina Jacoby-Clements and Taylor Barry, co-founders of   can be a key to success: “Building an omnichannel operation is
            BRAND UNCOVER (an intentionally curated community of indie   widely considered the key to scale and success. An influential
            beauty & wellness brands) have commented on the demands   retailer can have a giant megaphone to help meet your
            brands have to face (current consumer preferences, online   customer where they are and build trust. The customer does

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