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                                                  TOP TIPS FOR US

                                                  MARKET PENETRATION,



                                                  & MOCRA’S NEW

       Valérie Kaminov is Founder and Managing
           Director of the highly successful      REQUIREMENTS
        International Luxury Brand Consultancy.
         For over 25 years Valérie has been at
         the forefront of the global cosmetics    Revenue in the US Beauty & Personal Care market amounts to US$ 91.41bn in 2023,
       industry and has worked with a vast array   with market expected to grow annually 2.60% (CAGR 2023-2027). Recent growth
         of luxury, premium and niche beauty      figures have been impressive despite the pandemic. In 2021, the U.S. selective beauty
       brands and fragrances. With her extensive   industry generated a 30% increase in dollar sales, versus 2020. Though one could be
          expertise, commercial acumen and        tempted to attribute the increase to the end of the pandemic, the fact is, that even when
       practical experience IL Brand Consultancy   compared with 2019 overall figures, beauty and personal care saw strong growth (41%
        has become one of the most sought after
         management and distribution agencies     increase for fragrance, if compared to pre-pandemic figures in 2019, 62% for hair care,
        specialising in global beauty. Recognised   and 6% for skin care). Though the potential for a brand to launch in the USA and reap
        for the breadth of business sectors and   success seems alluring, launching in the US is a challenging endeavor.
        extensive distribution channels it works                                            American     customers     have
        with, ILBC’s international client portfolio                                         traditionally preferred to  make
        spans both well-established names and                                               their beauty purchases off-line.
         newly-emerging brands in hair care,
         make-up, skincare, fragrance, devices                                              Yet, the trend has shifted so much
        and top-to-toe brands. Valérie’s wealth                                             that by 2025, projections indicate
         of knowledge in international growth                                               online purchases are expected to
          strategies and business development                                               comprise nearly half of all sales.
           is combined with an inspirational                                                This uptrend of online sales might
           and forward-thinking approach.                                                   suggest that a direct-to-consumer
          Through her exceptional insight and
       understanding of the industry Valérie has                                            approach is easier than the
       helped brands amplify their market reach,                                            traditional retail  route.  However,
         elevate their brand presence, improve                                              the truth is that this shift towards
        their business performance and achieve    online consumption accompanies a growing demand for product endorsement
             commercial success globally.         by influencers, testimonials, and certifications (more easily provided and accessed
         A further aspect of her business is her   online), demanding a substantial investment from brands.
        skill in brand evaluation, acquisition due
       diligence, risk assessment and commercial   Selling direct-to-store also entails a number of possible hurdles. Courting and
        growth which has led Valérie to regularly   successfully engaging retail buyers, distributors, 3PL partners and sales agents is no
             advise Private Equity Funds,         small feat. Being retailer ready means having a 12-month marketing and investment
       multi-national organizations and financial   plan and a significant budget, ready to dispense, which brands must present at the
        investors. This capability in combination   first  distribution  call  (along  with  a  social-media  plan). Training  tools  and  incentive
         with her advanced qualifications and     programs for sales staff are also expected. Pricing and margin strategy must also have
          proficiency in corporate governance
         have made her a much-desired Board       been solidified.
          Advisor and Non-Executive Director.     International brands must, additionally, take into account the cost of bringing the
         From her CEW mentoring, organisation     product to the US including, direct additional out-of-pocket expenses for US market
         of the International Manufacturers &     entry,  products  modification  and  special  packaging  costs,  freight  forwarder  fee,
          Distributors Forum (IMF) and guest      customs fees, and transportation costs.  Also, the exchange rate and competitor
       lecture programmes, Valérie is a passionate   pricing must be incorporated in the strategy. Once the pricing and margin strategy
          and dynamic advocate of the global      have been set, as well as a commercial offer crafted, a brand can decide on its method
           beauty industry. Valérie splits her
         time between her London HQ and her       of entry into market: sales agent, direct to stores or via distributors.
        central Paris office as well as managing
         a satellite network in Russia & China.
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