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            The United States has, very recently, changed its regulatory   “clean,” “nontoxic,” or “safe.” Nor does it provide guidance on
            requirements for cosmetic brands. On December 29,        how much support brands need to make certain claims, such as
            2022, President Biden signed into law the Consolidated   scientific studies, customer surveys, or third-party certifications.
            Appropriations  Act, 2023, which includes the Modernization   These are growing areas of scrutiny for the class action plaintiffs’
            of Cosmetics Regulation  Act of 2022 (MoCRA). MoCRA      bar, yet MoCRA does not provide any additional guidance on
            significantly  changes  the  current  regulatory  framework  for   what kinds of claims companies can make about the safety or
            cosmetics in place. Under MoCRA, cosmetic companies will be   purity of their products. Instead, companies will have to look to
            subject to facility registration and product listing requirements,   guidance from FTC, in the form of reported enforcement actions
            good manufacturing practices (GMPs), serious adverse event   and prospective revisions to FTC’s “Green Guides,” as well as
            reporting and recordkeeping, and safety substantiation. In   federal court decisions, to provide guidance on cosmetic claims.
            addition to these new obligations, the FDA has now been   Finally, MoCRA doesn’t address so-called “greenwashing” or
            granted mandatory recall authority if it determines that: 1)   environmental impact claims, which have been the focus of
            there is a reasonable probability that cosmetics are adulterated   recent legislative action in the United Kingdom and the EU.
            or misbranded under the FDCA; and 2) exposure will cause   MoCRA fails to address whether and under what conditions
            serious adverse health consequences.  The  FDA  also  may   a product can claim to be environmentally friendly, green, or
            suspend a facility’s registration.                       zero-pollution in its marketing. Yet, the door is open to having
                                                                     these areas come under legislation as well.

                                                                     A brand must consider all
                                                                     of these challenges and more.

            A designated “Responsible Person” (not a person, but an   Driven in part by the recent pandemic and by the preferences
            entity: manufacturer, packager or distributor) is required by   of Gen Z, trends have pushed beauty brands, regardless of
            the FDA. A brand has to allocate staff and funds towards due   category, towards a product offer that is personalized, organic,
            diligence in matters of compliance, as well as remain on top   good for the planet and emphasizes wellness. In 2022, the
            of  further  regulatory  changes.  Efforts  towards  compliance,   organic cosmetics market was anticipated to be worth US$19.6
            according to many legal counsels, must include both funds for   billion. The market is expected to increase by 5.1% CAGR from
            testing products provided by 3rdp party suppliers, and clear,   US$20.5 billion in 2023 to US$33.7 billion in 2033. And the
            consistent  guidelines  to  influencers  about  what  can  and  can   skincare segment posts the strongest growth in the category.
            not be said on social media.                             Close to 70% of US consumers are now looking for brands
                                                                     that highlight “clean” ingredients,
                                                                     associated with naturally- derived
            “the main investment [required by brands                 ingredients & environmentally-
            in regards to Mocra] will be in people and               friendly  formulations.  Black
            recording systems  for product  listings and             consumers    are    reportedly
            registration maintenance, as well as technology          36% more likely to buy clean
            to support better hygiene in the manufacturing           beauty than their consumer
            process overall. this will drive the lion’s share        counterparts. Per NielsenIQ data,
            of capital investment.”                                  cruelty-free  beauty  gained  eight
            - Geoff Waby, Former Estée Lauder Quality Assurance Executive  points  of  household  penetration
                                                                     in 2021. In addition, fair trade
                                                                     beauty spending was up 7.5%.
            Although MoCRA represents a significant shift in the way the   Per NielsenIQ, spending on
            federal government regulates the cosmetics industry, MoCRA   gluten-free beauty grew by $8
            falls short of previous legislative proposals, which would have   per household in 2021 and 57%
            authorized FDA to conduct annual investigations into the safety   of  American women say it is
            of ingredients or, in certain cases, restrict or prohibit the use   important for them to use natural
            of ingredients like Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS),   products. Indeed, the natural
            also known as, endocrine disruptors. It does, however, require   products  segment  recorded
            the FDA to issue a report within three years assessing the use   fast growth in the last 5 years. Locally made products, with or
            of PFAS in cosmetics and their safety, signaling the possibility   without locally grown ingredients, emerge top-sellers. Scalp
            of further legislation or regulation, if warranted.      care and products to support the various stages of a woman’s
            MoCRA also does not address or alter the existing regulatory   life, as well as inner beauty focused supplements, powders, and
            framework for cosmetic labeling and marketing issues, such   ingestibles are emerging as categories sought out by buyers,
            as defining or restricting the use of certain terms like “natural,”   in both retail and spa.

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