P. 36


                  CoSMoPRoF WoRLDWIDE 2024

               The 55  edition of the world’s most important event
                      confirmed as a unique platform for the sector

            Over 3,000 exhibitors from sixty-nine   The international appeal of the event   FoREIgN STAKEHoLDERS
            different countries came to Bologna   was confirmed by the participation    AND NEW DATES
            for the 55th edition of Cosmoprof     of 30 national pavilions, with        The collaboration with the Ministry
            Worldwide, showing an increase of     newcomers Estonia, Norway, Pacific    for Foreign Affairs and International
            4% compared to last year. European    Islands, Palestine and Singapore.     Cooperation and with ITA - Italian
            companies account for 58% of the      Nearly 250,000 attendees thronged     Trade Agency boosted the presence
            exhibitors, compared to 42% of        the pavilions of the Bologna event,   of delegations with the most important
            companies from outside Europe.        confirming it as a unique platform    importers, distributors and retailers from
            The percentage of new exhibitors      for the sector and an incomparable    all over the world, involving more than
            compared to last year was particularly   development driver for an industry   70 international offices. Thanks to this
            important, accounting for with 35%    which, according to market analyses   support, top buyers from 113 countries
            of the total, showing once again how   by EUROMONITOR INTERNATIONAL,        were hosted. This is an extraordinary
            important Cosmoprof Worldwide         on a global level will exceed a value   result which meets the needs of an
            Bologna is as a strategic showcase for   of $670 billion by the end of the year,   industry which is one of the flagships
            brands that are looking for           with an annual average growth         of the Italian economy and which
            global visibility for the first time.   of 9% expected for the next 4 years.   deserves proper recognition.

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