P. 48


                                 A STRATEgIC ALLIANCE

                        MADE IN ITALy: SILVIo MoRA

                    AND INTERCoSMETICS MILANo

                               INTERVIEW WITH STEFANo DIoNISI,

                                                  which has to its advantage an invaluable   view. We do not think that this will
                                                  specialization matured over a number   be a very complicated job, thanks
                                                  of decades. It is a company whose     to our experience, our method, our
                                                  expertise at the level of colouring is   people, the spirit of the personnel
                                                  clearly superior, including with respect   and motivated also thanks to the team
                                                  to most of competitors, as it has     building activities we plan to strengthen
                                                  developed colour as its core business,   relations, the work group, from whom
                                                  proving that it has in-depth knowledge   we get suggestions and also, when
                                                  all round, both at the level of research   needed, the right push. I think that one
                                                  and experimentation. Colouring is     of the tasks of a good entrepreneur is to
                                                  done not only in the form of cream,   motivate their collaborators who, on the
                                                  but also in gel and oil. This last    strength of the work in a team, will be
                                                  formulation is particularly difficult to   able to express themselves best,
                                                  do, yet Silvio Mora has succeeded in   making significant contributions.
                                                  identifying and solving all the problems   With my son, who is 31 and has worked
                                                  that the professional can encounter   with me for 10 years, joining us, a breath
                                                  in their work, with the consequent    of fresh air, young in age and in spirit,
                                                  satisfaction of the consumer.         has arrived. On the other hand, in
                                                  From an entrepreneurial point of view,   me they find balance, tranquillity
                                                  for years I wondered whether it was   and certainties. The intention is to

                     STEFANo DIoNISI              better to equip ourselves internally,   transfer these values into the new
                                                  implementing R & D on colour to reach   company as well, while fully respecting
                                                  the results achieved over the years   the specific identities of each one.
            EXPORT MAGAZINE: The acquisition      by Silvio Mora, but I thought it was   If it is confirmed that Silvio Mora will
            by Intercosmetics Milano of Silvio    more advantageous to undertake a      continue to carry on its specialization
            Mora has been official for some time   partnership. We thus kept Silvio Mora   in colour, it is also true that all its
            now. What are the strategic reasons   in our sights for quite some time,    affectionate clients can find in Iemme
            for this acquisition?                 until the time came for everyone to   the chance to move in other directions,
            STEFANo DIoNISI: At strategic level,   concretise the sale. This transaction   coming into contact with other types
            the move to acquire Silvio Mora was   represents the missing part to grow   of product. I am convinced that in this
            to bring a long-established company,   quickly and with quality.            way there will also be great benefits for
            specialized in colour, which had gained                                     the private label part: it will have further
            quality, technologies and specialization   EM: What will be the added       drive towards Research, innovation,
            in the sector over time, into the Group.  value on your side?               market trends and marketing.
            Our company Iemme had reached an      SD: The added value we will be giving is   This synergy, in my opinion,
            important point of development of     in the drive towards modernity and the   will be successful and I do not see
            very many products for professionals;   contemporary. We want to give       any conflict between the two parts.
            it was our firm intention to develop the   Silvio Mora the same drive of growth   On the one hand the Research will
            colour category in the same way and   that we have given to Iemme in the    be developed as best as possible
            with the same mentality. We had the   past 2 or 3 years, above all from the   and on the other Marketing and
            opportunity to take over this company,   marketing and commercial points of   the Commercial department.

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