P. 49
I feel renewed energy in this phase and This is not an easy operation,
I think that we can expect great results in but it is indispensable if you want
terms of development, at all levels. to pursue a successful policy.
And the successful policy is not to
EM: For some time now, IEMME has dropdown in price to the detriment
been working in the private label of quality, unless you want to lose
sector. Do you think that the arrival of from as early as the starting point.
Silvio Mora will boost this division? The client is increasingly attentive and
SD: We will without a doubt be able to informed. They cannot be lost because
further satisfy the requests we receive in the product does not meet their needs
the private label field, with increasingly for performance. IEMME is the first
wider and diversified proposals at a company in the professional sector
technological and formulaic level. to be certified Vegan OK.
As being transparent and topical is our
EM: How are you moving priority, this effort has been perceived
internationally? very well on foreign markets. It is not
SD: We already have a good structure a surprise that we have had excellent
in Italy and Silvio Mora has worked over feedback in France as well, where
time almost exclusively in our country. consumers are very attentive to the
In the last two or three years, we have quality of the product and where the
also done good work abroad, both with yuka website is very widely used, which
the brands and for the private label. by scanning the barcode, evaluates the
We interfaced with important quality of the cosmetic ingredients.
foreign companies, which have One important step in the area of our to the functionality of the products,
brought their production to us. foreign activity has been taken in the without overlooking respect
If, in previous years the companies United States, with the opening for the environment.
transferred production to low-cost of a distribution company which
countries such as China, over time has just started business now. EM: What does being entrepreneurs
they are all coming back, after having today mean, in a world that is
been scalded, a little by the modus EM: In recent years you have continuously evolving?
operandi, a little by the logistic done excellent work on SD: People often say, “you have to
difficulties, by the geographical image and communication. have a vision” which translated into
distances, by the costs of transport… How has it been received by clients? everyday life means having very clear
a sort of revaluation of Europe SD: Today the life of a product has been the direction to take, not only today,
and Italianness. shortened, because consumers are but with a perspective, in my opinion,
Many companies, for two or three years, always looking for new products. of at least five or even ten years.
have no longer been talking about At the level of communication, Is everything changing quickly?
price, but quality. Abroad as well, those we aim to give our three brands yes, it’s true; however to keep up
who are contract manufacturers are three different identities, so that with the times, you have to pursue
coming round to understand that Italian each person can identify an objective: focus on excellence,
products have exclusive plusses. themselves with one of them. always raising the bar a little higher.
This is particularly true for some Each brand addresses its ideal client. Nothing is perfect, everything
distinctive products, such as colouring Raywell is the most transversal can be perfected. This is what
in oil and in gel, to a lesser extent on brand, clients aged between I am trying to pass on to my son,
products such as colouring in cream, 40 and 50, who want something and naturally to all our staff.
on which the price variable still weighs sophisticated, like it but so does Claudia Stagno
heavily, to the detriment of quality. the 20 year-old who is looking
If it is true that a contract manufacturer for something to give them
such as Silvio Mora can, more than confidence; it is a brand for
anyone, make a product of quality, a wide range of consumers.
it is also true that you have to be On the contrary, Extremo has
flexible, and be able to offer a young target of consumers,
a product where the quality price ratio and Envie is a brand for the whole
is adequate to the market demands. family, with particular attention