P. 75


            ENSuRINg youR SuPPLIERS                                  The DRA who is defined at the start of the filing
            CooPERATE IN THE APPRoVAL PRoCESS                        or registration process has a crucial role to play
            From January 1, 2024, a new important regulatory         in the Post-Market Surveillance process.
            requirement is the submission of safety information      They must maintain sales and import records as well as
            for all ingredients used in the product formulas         samples of each batch of products imported into China.
            for new cosmetic registrations and filings.              your DRA is equally responsible for the quality and
            The ingredient safety information can be submitted       safety of the products you put on the market in China.
            by completing a document known as “Annex 14” or          From January 1, 2022, applicants of general cosmetics must
            communicating the Cosmetic Ingredient Code (CIC).        submit an annual report on the NMPA filing platform from
            From January 2022, the ingredient supplier can apply for   January 1 to March 31 of each year covering the activities of
            the CIC by submitting all safety information to the NMPA’s   the previous calendar year. The annual report should contain:
            Cosmetic Ingredient Safety Information Platform.         - an overview of the production and import of the products,
            The CIC protects the confidential business information of the   as well as an update for any suspended production
            cosmetics ingredient supplier as only the NMPA can see the   - self-inspection information compliance with China
            safety information of the cosmetic ingredients submitted.  laws and regulations, mandatory national
                                                                     standards and technical specifications.
            DEFINE youR PATHWAy To MARKET:                           As “special” cosmetics’ registration certificates are only
            The Cross Border E-Commerce (CBEC) pathway for cosmetics   valid for 5 years, a renewal application must be submitted.
            was introduced in 2018 whereby cosmetics can be sold in Hong   The renewal can be expected 15 working days after
            Kong or on authorized online platforms (such as Tmall Global   application and the new validity starts from the previous
            or JD Worldwide) directly to end consumers without the need   expiration date. The NMPA introduced a new processing
            to submit a notification or registration application to the NMPA.   timeline for renewal applications of “special” cosmetics.
            Please note that “end consumers” means private individuals; sales   Submissions can be made between 90 and 30 working days
            to distributors, beauty institutes etc are NOT allowed via CBEC.   prior to certificate expiration, however, we advise starting the
            However, it’s important to note that more than 50% of all   renewal process as early as one year prior to the certificate’s
            cosmetic consumers still make purchases through physical   expiration in case additional testing is required due to
            retail channels (according to Daxue Consulting) such as   changes in the law, regulations, technical standards or the
            wholesale markets, supermarkets, department stores,      product itself. And most importantly, timely initiation
            dedicated counters, speciality chain stores, drugstores, beauty   of renewal applications avoids any disruption in sales
            parlours and direct selling. Department stores and speciality   or expiry of the certificate. As mentioned previously,
            stores make up two of China’s top three sales channels.  “general” cosmetics certificates are valid indefinitely.
            To sell via such physical channels both general and special   During the lifetime of a product, changes in the product
            cosmetics must submit either a notification or a registration   name, the material supplier or in the packaging may be
            application and any eventual animal testing may be required   required. In this case an application for a certificate change
            if your product does not meet the qualifying requirements   is necessary. A change of DRA in China is possible as well. A
            mentioned above. Companies should be clear, however, that   manufacturer may not be content with their DRA, who may be
            CBEC refers only to sales made to Chinese consumers from   their distributor, and so they wish to appoint an independent
            overseas. If brands want to make sales on mainland China   DRA such as a consulting company. Changing a DRA
            e-commerce platforms like Tmall or JD, then products will still   is not possible when an application for filing or registration
            need filings or registrations as previously described. Moreover,   has been submitted and is in process. you must wait
            cosmetics being sold via CBEC must still comply with the IECIC   for the certificate to be issued in order to change the DRA.
            and the Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics (STSC),   Or you may choose to withdraw your application, change
            which define the safety standards that cosmetic products must   the DRA and start the application process again. In general,
            meet in order to be approved for sale and use in China.  changing the DRA will mean that a certificate will need to be
                                                                     cancelled and be re-filed or reregistered as long as all the
            uNDERSTAND THE oNgoINg REguLAToRy                        documents meet current NMPA requirements, and all tests are
            REQuIREMENTS AFTER oBTAININg APPRoVAL                    completed. It will take around 6 weeks to change a DRA who is
            Over the last few years, the NMPA has increased scrutiny   in the same province, or 10 weeks for a DRA in a new province.
            and emphasis on Post-Market Surveillance (PMS)
            or Cosmetovigilance. This has led to the introduction    To conclude, cosmetics manufacturers must be ready to satisfy
            of many PMS requirements including adverse reaction      the increasingly strict China regulatory requirements in order
            reporting, maintenance of GMP systems,                   to access this burgeoning market. But the effort is worth it for
            NMPA sampling inspections and even overseas              the growing market potential, provided the initial set-up and
            factory inspections for cosmetic manufacturers.          regulatory compliance is appropriately implemented.

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