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                 ANNouNCES THE NEW iQ3 PERFETTo HAIR DRyER

                       oFFERINg ‘SMART PERFoRMANCE’ WITH ITS

                CuTTINg-EDgE ‘E-SySTEM C’ TECHNoLogy, ENERgy

            Just when you thought the             Designed with more
            award-winning, powerful,              power and intelligence,
            light-as-a-smartphone iQ Perfetto     the iQ3 is just as light
            hair dryer couldn’t possibly get any   as the original version
            better, it did! Global hair tools leader   but introduces the latest
            GA.MA Italy Professional has built    ‘e-system C’ technology, a blinking                    rejuvenation to
            upon its revolutionary success by     red light and audible reminder that                     ensure healthier,
            introducing their third-generation    goes off when conditions of use                          shinier, and
            hair dryer, the iQ3, that offers up   are not ideal, signalling that the filter                regenerated/
            ‘Smart Performance’ presented in the   needs to be cleaned or changed.                          reconstructed
            sleekest, ultra-compact, Italian design.  Identifying suboptimal working                        hair from the
                                                  conditions and anomalies, the system                       cuticles to the
                                                  automatically restores the correct                         tips. Emitting
                                                  operating temperature and informs                          oxygen that
                                                  the user via light and sound system                       acts as a
                                                  that it’s time for maintenance.                            powerful anti-
                                                  This new feature guarantees constant,                      bacterial shield,
                                                  uninterrupted work, efficient                              this oxy-active
                                                  performance, maximum power,                                 technology
                                                  and ensures the most energy                                 prolongs the
                                                  saving measures.                                             duration of
                                                  The Turbo function allows the iQ3 to                        permanent
                                                  reach an impressive RPM of 120,000    coloring treatments, enhancing
                                                  for thirty seconds. Energy-efficient, the   brightness by neutralizing the damage
                                                  hairdryer is fitted with the patented   produced by free radicals. Plus, the
                                                  Venturi Effect that creates a vacuum,   iQ3 dryer has been engineered for
                                                  increasing potency by multiplying the   exponentially more efficient drying
                                                  airflow without using extra-power.    times with its unmatched blowing
                                                  The iQ3 also contains a RAMP Cooling   power that saves energy, time, and the
                                                  Effect that adjusts the temperature   life of your hair. Included with the iQ3
                                                  efficiently, guaranteeing a gradual   are two concentrator nozzles with Cool
                                                  regulation of temperature when        Grip, the GA.MA exclusive patented
                                                  turning on and off the hair dryer.    star nozzle - ideal for volumizing roots,
                                                  More ‘Smart Performance’ features     sensitive scalps, or people with very
                                                  include the Stand-by function         fine hair - with Cool Grip, and deep
                                                  with Smart Pad to automatically       diffuser, along with nine extra filters
            What is ‘Smart Performance’? It’s an   deactivate your dryer upon contact,   (each good for up to 50 uses) for the
            exceptional combination of power,     further reducing energy waste.        cleanest blow-dry of your life.
            performance, extended life-cycle,     Let’s talk about hair health.         All nozzles and the diffuser are
            promotion of hair health, and overall   The iQ3’s oxy-active properties     interlocking to ensure they never slip off!
            luxe user- experience, all the while   and emission of negative ions allow   The iQ3 is available for professional use
            being time and energy efficient.      for the ultimate in hair and scalp    only and comes in black and rose gold.

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