P. 11


                                                  ALL oVER SHAMPoo

                                                  After-sun shower-shampoo with
                                                  HyperFermented Organic
                                                  Hi-biscus Extract + TRy-GLICINE.
                                                  SULFATE FREE formula. Gent-ly
                                                  cleanses and provides an intensive
                                                  moisturising effect that prolongs tan
                                                  and leaves hair soft, light and shiny.

            SPRAy MILK

            Milk Spray, with HyperFermented
            Organic Hibiscus Extract + LUXPLANT.                                        RECoVERy MASK
            Applied during sun exposure to dry hair,                                    Intensive conditioning mask with
            it pro-tects cosmetic color and hair fibre                                  HyperFermented Organic Hibiscus
            from UV rays. Moisturises intensively, for                                  Extract + LUXPLANT. Renews the hair
            easily combable hair. The invisible effect                                  fibre, with a restructuring effect.
            makes the hair naturally light, soft and                                    The detangling and disciplining anti-
            very shiny, without weighing it down.                                       frizz formula leaves the hair fibre
            NEW FORMULA even more detangling                                            extremely soft and shiny, offering
            and illumina-ting. Do not rinse.                                            longer-lasting cosmetic color.

                               INgREDIENTS oF NATuRAL oRIgIN

                                                  BIODEGRADABLE INGREDIENTS
                                                  SILICONE FREE                                      THE SEA:
                                                  SULFATE FREE                                   AN IMMENSE AND
                                                  COLORANTS FREE                               PRECIouS RESouRCE

                                                  HyPERFERMENTED 100%                           To BE PRoTECTED.
                                                  oRgANIC HIBISCuS EXTRACT:                     In addition to formulas
                                                  MOISTURIZING ACTION AND                       produced in order to
                                                  ANTIOXIDANT PROTECTION                         respect the marine
                                                                                               environment, we support
                                                  NATuRAL SuN FILTER: 100%                     the JAIRO PROJECT by
                                                  ORGANIC GREAT MULLEIN EXTRACT
                                                                                                 SEA SHEPHERD with
                                                  TRy-gLICINE: SUPER MOISTURIZING               a donation, a project
                                                  PROTECTIVE NATURAL INGREDIENT                aimed at protecting and
                                                  LuXPLANT: PROTECTIVE                         safeguarding sea turtles,
                                                  AND BRIGHTENING ACTIVE                       in particular the Caretta
                                                  INGREDIENT OF NATURAL ORIGIN                Caretta at risk of extinction.

                                                  DERMATOLOGICALLY TESTED
                                                  VEGAN FRIENDLY

                     more info:       Helen Seward milano       helenseward_official        Helen Seward milano

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