Page 61 - EM Export Magazine Perfumery edition
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          growing from 147 million in 2022 to 213 million in
          2025, which represents a 45% growth in traffic over
          the three years but a 1% decline in the overall share
          of international traffic, from 11% to 10%. The UK’s
          international traffic will grow by 41% over the three-
          year period, from 123 to 174 million passengers,
          with  an  8%  share  of  international  traffic  in  2025,
          also  a  1%  decline  on  the  2022  share.  Germany’s
          traffic will also see strong growth – of 42% - with 135
          million  passengers  in  2025,  up  from  95  million  in
          2022, while France will see a slightly slower growth
          of 29% between 2022 and 2025, from 71 million to
          92 million passengers. India on the other hand is to
          experience significantly stronger passenger growth
          with 71% more passengers in 2025 at 84 million, up
          from 49 million in 2022. The research also identifies
          certain outliers in terms of traffic growth between   20 ranking nationalities for theoretical travel retail
          2022 and 2025, which is explained by the varying   market value in 2025 are South Korea, which moves
          degrees of flight restrictions and the different pace   into 11th position, with $1,2 billion theoretical
          of reopening of borders to international travellers,   market value and Singapore in 12th position with
          in  the  wake  of  the  Covid  19  pandemic.  Many  Asia   just over $1 billion. Australia is in 13th with just
          Pacific  markets,  including  Japan,  South  Korea   less than $880 billion and Poland in 14th position
          and Thailand, still had travel restrictions in place   as mentioned, with $821 billion. Thailand, the
          for  much  of  2022,  resulting  in  the  still  low  traffic   Philippines and Hong Kong are also all new entrants
          volumes.  The research, which identifies the leading   to  the  top  20  ranking  in  2025,  while  Pakistan  and
          20 nationalities for theoretical market value in 2025,   Ireland remain in the top 20, albeit falling to 18th
          reveals that there is very little movement among the   and 20th position respectively.  Mohn commented:
          top ten ranking nationalities for theoretical market   “The theoretical market value analysis is extremely
          value between 2022 and 2025.  Given  the  strong   useful  for  airports  and  their  commercial  partners
          traffic  growth  and  average  spend  of  the  Japanese   in the markets concerned as well as for those
          travellers in particular, Japan enters the top ten   situated  in  destinations  that  are  popular  among
          ranking for theoretical market value in 2025, to   these leading nationalities for duty free spend. The
          fourth position, behind the United States, Germany   analysis becomes infinitely more meaningful when
          and the United Kingdom. The US remains in        conducted by location or category for example. It’s
          number one position with just under US$6 billion in   important  to  monitor  those  nationalities  that  are
          theoretical market value, up from just over $4 billion   clear outliers to ensure that the product mix and
          in 2022. The US market will weigh approximately   marketing mix remains relevant to the emerging
          11% of the total global GTR value in 2025, down from   nationalities.” “B1S partners use the tool to extract
          13% in 2022. The weighting also excludes Chinese   segment  specific  reports  to  analyse  the  growth
          shopper behaviour and their potential market value   potential  of  the  business  for  a  specific  category,
          in  2025,  as  explained  earlier.  Germany  remains  in   in  a  specific  or  multiple  locations  and  often  for  a
          second position with $4,1 billion in 2025, up from   specific  demographic  or  segment,  Mohn  added.
          $2,8 billion in 2022, representing 9% share of the   “This can be drilled down to a much deeper level,
          global  market  in  2025  and  the  UK  is  projected  to   by extrapolating the data for specific nationalities or
          maintain third place at $3,8 billion, up from $2,7   markets, even by individual airport”, he concluded.
          billion in 2022 with a 7% share, down from 8% in
          2022.    France,  India  the  Netherlands,  Spain,  Italy
          and Canada all remain in the top ten markets from             More information
          2022 to 2025; only Poland slips out of the top ten         on m1nd-set’s research
          and down to 14th position. newcomers in the top-          and consultancy services
                                                                      can be obtained from
                                                                     m1nd- set by writing to                                59
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