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          EXPORT MAGAZINE: How many countries are you      the area appears in your lines and in the respect
          present in today?                                of sustainability?
          SIMONE SETTIMI: At the moment we are present in   SS:  We always proudly emphasize that we are an
          over 50 countries and we aim to reach, over the next   Umbrian team. Precisely this immersion in the green
          three years, an international share of 25-30% of the   heart of Italy and the strong bond we have with the
          turnover. We are proud of the consolidation with our   local area is concretized in our products, in particular
          long-established clients and we expect a conspicuous   in the two natural lines: Astra Pure Beauty and Astra
          numerical growth in the countries and in the percentage   Skin, characterized by formulations with up to 90% of
          of the global turnover of the brand.             ingredients of natural origin.
                                                           None  of  our  products  has  secondary  packaging  in
          EM: Astra Make-Up is a company that is strongly   order to reduce the wastage of paper and cardboard
          linked to its roots in Umbria. How does the bond   and to shorten the production supply chain.
          with the family and traditions represent a strong
          point for international positioning?             EM: Which international fairs will you be attending
          SS:  The  same  family  approach  that  is  taken  in  the   in 2024?
          company is also applied to our clients and suppliers,   SS:  In  the  first  quarter  of  2024  we  consolidated  our
          who are real partners for us.                    presence at Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, where we
          We have always believed in the importance of     presented two important new products: the extension
          establishing solid  and  lasting relations, on  an   of the Zen Routine line with three new references which
          international scene where more and more brands are   join the priming line and a new line of creamy lipsticks,
          becoming  parts  of  multinational  groups,  and  letting   Lip Creamynal, in ten vibrant and intense shades.
          our origins transpire.                           We are also focusing on pushing internationally, with
                                                           meetings in Miami, a reference for the Latin American
          EM: The strong bond with Umbria is also translated   market,  and  in  Hong  Kong  and  then  Dubai  and
          concretely in your products. Can you explain how   Istanbul.
                                                                                               Claudia Stagno
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