P. 20

LAUNCH                                  ALL THE NEW FRAGRANCES FROM

                                                    Tony  Iommi  Deified:  after the great
                                                    success  of  the  Tony  Iommi  Monkey
                                                    Special  fragrance  which  inaugurated
                                                    an original partnership between the
                                                    legendary  guitarist  and  rock  musician
                                                    of the Black Sabbath Tony Iommi and
                                                    the founder of the brand Sergio Momo,
                                                    Xerjoff  presents  the  fragrance  Tony
                                                    Iommi Deified, which is also crowned by
                                                    a brand of the same name which gives
                                                    the fragrance an increasingly important
             Alexandria  II  Anniversary:  Conceived   identity. The name plays on the duality
             to celebrate Alexandria and Alexandria   of the sound, recalls that music – as a
             II,  both  belonging  to  the  “Oud  Stars”   form of art – can generate a closeness   Quattro Pizzi:  the exploration of the
             collection,  the  Anniversary  version  to the divine. The sensory sequences   new  olfactory  pathways  by  Xerjoff
             demonstrates the prestige of the two   of  Deified  follow  on  one  another  in  a   could not fail to concern the Casamorati
             fragrances with a blend of exceptional   rhythmic way from as early as the top   1888 brand as well. The portfolio is
             ingredients. The fragrance opens on the   notes:  saffron,  cinnamon  and  apple   enriched by a new fragrance: Quattro
             top notes with the regal and precious tones   warm the fragrance with a gourmand   Pizzi. Quattro Pizzi sweeps away  the
             of  Bulgarian rose, cumin, lavender and   hint  given  by  sweet  apple.  The  duality   sense of smell to the deep south of Italy.
             cardamom, which harmoniously merge     finds  its  maximum  expression  in  the   The history of Sicily of the past can be
             with  the  most  sought  after  and  unique   middle notes: on the one hand the depth   narrated in many varied ways. Quattro
             ingredient in the world: oud. The “wood of   of  leather,  on  the  other  the  gentleness   Pizzi is the name of a historic building
             the gods” in the middle notes. Come from   of  the  rose.  Both  merge  to  create  an   in splendid Palermo, which hosted
             the island of Tarakan, a remote corner of   authentic combination in which two   the  Bourbon  sovereigns  and  the  Tsar
             Indonesia full of natural and historical   hearts beat in unison. The base notes of   Nicholas I of Russia. The dynasty of a
             beauty, a place of rare splendour which   papyrus, patchouli and musk orchestrate   very well-known Sicilian family becomes
             holds unexpected marvels. The oud of   perfectly with that sensory score which   the leitmotif of a perfumes which speaks
             Tarakan exalts the olfactory pyramid   makes its dark but gentle soul its greatest   of joy, wealth, power and sin. The chaste
             of Alexandria II Anniversary, creating   characteristic feature.             white of the bottle recalls the apparent
             a hypnotic and irresistible sensory                                          purity of a fragrance which  is warm
             vortex, sublimated by amber, clary sage,                                     and luminous s like the land which has
             mint and other fabulous raw materials.                                       inspired it. A sweet and spicy blend in
             Luminous also in its aesthetics, the base                                    which in the top notes rum, davana and
             notes  of  musk,  Madagascar  vanilla  and                                   pink peppercorn stand out which give it
             Australian sandalwood, envelop like a                                        a very strong and particular personality.
             warm and soft embrace. And if behind                                         Coconut and tuberose in the middle
             these fragrances there is a strong historic                                  notes are impressed on the skin like
             reference, Alexandria II Anniversary has                                     the scent of a lover, a sweet memory to
             in its DNA a “futuristic” élan: every bottle                                 guard jealously. Blond tobacco leaves,
             is accompanied by an NFC tag which –                                         hay and tonka beans transport the
             when tapped on with your smartphone -                                        sense of smell into the height of the
             allows accessing original contents on the                                    Belle  Époque, a plunge  into  the  20
             fragrance.                                                                   century between secrets and perdition.

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