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                                                           SLIM RECHARGEABLE JAR AND ESSENTIAL
                                                           In pursuit of sustainable innovation, Lumson
               INTO THE COSMOS,                            offers Slim Rechargeable Jar and Essential.
               THE LIPSTICK COLOR                          Slim Rechargeable Jar is a refillable 50ml glass
               COLLECTION                                  jar with a minimal design and sustainable
               A  creative  attitude  combined  with       footprint. Many features make it a functional
               profound know-how makes it possible         yet eco-friendly solution: the glass jar can
               for the company to come up with             also be made in PCR GLASS (25%), while the
               solutions  that  have  a constantly         mono-material cover is designed to facilitate
               different  look  to  them,  in  line  with   recycling once the product is finished and to
               current  trends.  An  example  can          prevent visual aesthetic defects. But that’s not all.
               be seen in  the reinterpretation  of        The theme of sustainability is further reinforced
               some standard lipsticks that have           by the refillable solution, embracing the concepts
               been  modified  and  adorned  with  the     of Re-Think (packaging is reconceptualized with
               wonders  of  the  cosmos.  “Into  The       an emphasis on eco-friendly design.), Re-Gen (a
               Cosmos” invites you on a journey into       ‘second life’ is given to the glass jar), and Re-Act (the
               space, a world partly known and partly      consumer is an active part of the recycling process).
               unexplored, but always able to amaze        ESSENTIAL is the new aluminum collection
               and  create  wonder  and  marvel.  The      consisting of 4 atmospheric bottles in 50 - 75 - 100 -
               collection is embellished with shades       150ml sizes, which can be paired with cream pumps
               of color reminiscent of the Milky Way:      (in higher dosages) and sprays. Perfect for a wide
               from deep glittery hues similar to those    range of both luxury and masstige products (skincare,
               of  the  midnight  sky  to  cosmic  sand    body, hair, and sun care) thanks to the use of aluminum
               that comes alive in both color and to       that makes it versatile and sustainable. It’s versatile because it can be
               the touch. Instead, other lipsticks are     customized  with  different  decorations  and  effects  (thanks  to  the  offset
               characterized  by  silver  finishes  that   printing technique, up to 6 colors can be used) and sustainable because
               evoke lunar rocks and extremely bright,     aluminum is a lightweight and infinitely recyclable material. Essential can
               fluorescent  colors  reminiscent  of  a     also be made in 100% PCR Aluminum. For a 360° result, the bottle can be
               supernova explosion.                        combined with dispensing systems in PP / PCR PP / ALUMINUM OVERSHELL.
                                                           These solutions promise to meet market demands with their functionality,
                                                           aesthetic appeal, and environmentally conscious design.
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