P. 78


                                   ANNuAL MEETINg of

                                  PoLo DELLA CoSMESI

                  The association has almost reached 100 members and

                   has announced the 6  edition of Polo Innovation Day

                              The Annual Meeting of Polo della Cosmesi was held on the 7  June 2023.
                   The 2022 final balance sheet and the 2023 budget were presented and approved unanimously.
                   The economic documents show how the Polo not only closed the past year with a positive result,
                but also how much a growth performance is expected in 2023. This year, 23 new member companies
                    were welcomed by the Polo’s large family that now includes almost 100 associated companies.
                   The new members are the following: Arco Cosmetici, Arvato, Axl, Luisa Barbieri, BiCT, Cosmitaly,
                  CSI, Gmce, Gotha Cosmetics, Keminova, Lavoropiù, Daniela Manzoni, Ometc, Opac, Red of View,
                        Roelmi HPC, Run Time Solutions, Sana, SQS, Steba, Tecnicoll, Toshiba and Zetapunto.

            6  EDITIoN of INNoVATIoN DAy –        Important names from Italian and      view of our sector in Europe, underlying
            A STRATEgIC EVENT                     foreign universities, cosmetologists,   the fact that this segment has to face
            Among the most important innovations   national and international brands    critical issues every day in order to
            announced during the meeting there    will take part in the conferences.    address the increasingly stringent
            was the launch of the sixth edition of   Some of these names have already   rules that are affecting the market.”
            Polo Innovation Day, the full-day b2b   been unveiled: Politecnico of Milano,   It should not be forgotten that ID23 is
            event dedicated to the cosmetics      Università degli Studi of Napoli      also a great showcase for companies
            supply chain. The key theme of        Federico II, Bottega Verde, Estée     to gain visibility and do business.
            ID2023 will be Sustainability.        Lauder, Sisley, Collistar, Davines,   Then, as always, there will be the
            The event will be held on Thursday    Istituto Ganassini, L’Erbolario…      Innovation Awards which will reward
            12 October in the Autotorino          “We will see different authoritative   the most groundbreaking proposals.
            showroom in Crema and will host       speakers taking turns giving us their   The meeting closed with a preview
            exhibition counters , two round tables   impression on the change that has   of the specials of the Cosmopolo
            and in-depth discussions that will    been taking place, especially from a   magazine, the agenda of the
            explore the following topics:         regulatory point of view - explained   training courses and webinars
            “ Where is Europe going between       the president Matteo Moretti.         (over 70 appointments for over 3,000
            packaging sustainability and          This is the reason why we have also   participants), the Polo’s entry into the
            the use of new materials?”            invited MEPs who will help us to express   ITS New Technologies Foundation
            and “Can luxury be green?”.           our opinions and the strong point of   for Made in Italy and future initiatives.

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