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An increased number of attendees, 9,000 is expected
to participate to this year’s event
to 2022. Over 450 exhibitors are
expected for the December edition;
up to now, 78% of the ones already
confirmed are domestic, representing
the development of the local
industry. Simultaneously, international
participation in terms of exhibitors have
increased (+19% compared to 2022),
thanks to new initiatives from both
local and international governments SPECIAL EVENTS AND PRoJECTS
and associations to ensure better In addition to an elegant exhibition
connections and networking. As of now, offer, attendees of 2023 will have
the show has confirmed presence of the opportunity to experience new
Cosmoprof India, the network event Italy, Korea, and Taiwan in the form of initiatives and inspiring projects that will
dedicated to the fast-growing Indian country and group pavilions and many enrich stakeholders’ experience.
market, will be held from 7 to 9 more are expected to join in due course. A rich calendar of educational sessions
December 2023 in the Jio World Cosmoprof India will showcase branded will offer new suggestions and ideas.
Convention Centre in Mumbai. finished products beauty salon & spa, CosmoTalks & CosmoForum will
The coveted show represents the fourth equipment and furnishing, perfumery focus on macro-trends, insights,
destination of the Cosmoprof network, and cosmetics and haircare are the regulations in the beauty industry,
and has its own unique scale and entity, biggest sectors. This correlates with the involving global analysts, experts,
showcasing all the sectors of the beauty high demand for personal care, skincare iconic voices & thought leaders sharing
industry from ingredients to finished and fragrances in the domestic market their knowhow and expertise. Cosmo
products and encompassing the entire due to new consumer habits increasing Onstage will present new treatments
cosmetics and beauty supply chain. preference for e-commerce and and latest products through live demos
willingness to pay more for quality. & performances. This area is mainly
Side by side, Cosmopack India dedicated to the professional channel.
will host the beauty supply chain. To reward the excellence and
As of today, this segment represents innovation of stakeholders in the beauty
61% of the total exhibition area, business in India, the Cosmoprof and
illustrating primary and secondary Cosmopack India Awards, in exclusive
packaging, as well as OEM, ODM and partnership with the global agency
private label as the most representative BEAUTySTREAMS, will celebrate the
sectors on the show floor followed most outstanding products and cutting-
by machinery & equipment and raw age solutions among 2023 exhibitors.
The 2022 edition had recorded materials. Over 9,000 attendees are
excellent results, hosting 300 exhibiting expected to congregate at Cosmoprof
companies from 12 countries, and 7,500 India 2023 (+20% compared to 2022),
visitors from 50 countries. Similarly, and a dedicated buyer program
for 2023, remarkable outcomes are will host key players from India &
expected: the show has already neighbouring countries, UAE, Saudi
registered a significant growth with Arabia and Europe, which are crucial
a +36% of new exhibitors compared countries for local import and export.