P. 70


            Kim: I think there are several important factors that contribute   support that partner, without falling into the trap of thinking
            to a brand’s possible success:                             that  the brand’s job  is to  produce the product, and the
            •  First,  a  brand  must  respect  the  expectations  of  the  local   partner’s job is to produce the sales.
              consumers and distributors it’s dealing with
            • Second, a brand must have a strong why or raison d’etre for   The other question a brand is always faced with is the age-
              the brand in each market. This is especially important if the   old question of sales versus brand-building. Many European
              brand wants to stay true to itself. If you don’t know who you   brands, for example, no longer have a presence because they
              are, you can’t stay true to yourself. Ultimately, if a brand stays   moved into retail markets (home shopping or eCommerce).
              true to its identity, the customers will come.         And they stay away from the aesthetic/spa market because
            • Third, a brand must find the right partner and be ready to   more requires more marketing.


                                                                                                                                                  THE LEADING B2B BEAUTY
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            Question: And what do you think of the Korean consumer’s       MISSIoN AND VISIoN of SISLAB                                           AMERICAN MARKETS
            relationship to European versus more local brands?
            Kim: I think the Korean consumer, like the Japanese consumer,                                                                          MIAMI
            is  extremely  sophisticated. They like  quality  ingredients and,                                                                    MIAMI BEACH                                                                   NEW VENUE
            of course, many of them will still enjoy the classic European                                                                         CONVENTION CENTER
            brands. But sometimes European brands are not as dynamic                                                                                                                                                            LAS VEGAS
            as Korean ones. They don’t always react to a customer’s current                                                                        JANUARY 23 – 25, 2024                                                       MANDALAY BAY CONVENTION
            needs. Korean brands are more dynamic. Successful Korean                                                                                                                                                           CENTER
            brands are, and should, always have their thumb on the pulse                                                                           REGISTER NOW AND SAVE 25%
            of the customer’s demands and preferences, and be reactive                                                                             WITH CODE EXPORT24                                                           JULY 23 – 25, 2024
            and proactive.

                                   For more information on how  IL Brand Consultancy can help you successfully expand your brand                  ORGANIZER – USA BEAUTY LLC                                                  A NEW WORLD FOR BEAUTY
                                   into different markets, please contact us on  or visit our website at                                                                                      BOLOGNA, HONG KONG, LAS VEGAS,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MUMBAI, BANGKOK, MIAMI
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