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            customers. For example, color cosmetics showed the most   2021, allowing visitors to the cafés to experience its beauty and
            improvement, with make-up products being more male-centric   personal care products.
            in terms of the appointment of brand ambassadors, as well as   Some analysts predict that the already popular ‘Lifestyle
            new product development. Also, nail products are following the   Center’ culture in South Korea –a trend in which consumers
            genderless trend. Ohora, a gel nail strip brand, collaborated   enjoy diverse activities such as dining, gaming, or watching
            with the Wooyoungmi menswear brand in May 2022, showing   films or concerts during shopping trips, in a one-stop location
            male models wearing colourful nail strips.               –will evolve even further. Today, both department stores and
            However, the biggest trend may not be reflected in a product’s   health  and  personal  care  stores  (like  Olive  Young),  flourish
            packaging, ingredient list, or branding. Rather, it may be found   due to their ability to offer a more convenient and varied retail
            in the consumer’s relationship with the shopping itself. Korean   experience. But the pressure is on to both diversify product-
            customers don’t simply look for the best prices at stand-  offer, in the name of convenience, and also, to offer additional
            alone shops. Rather, they are increasingly opting for a holistic   reasons for a consumer to interact with its retailer.
            shopping experience that comprises both convenience &    Shops that offer nothing more than the beauty product itself
            lifestyle center services. The trend, analysts say, emerged as a   and/or a sale, are, in fact, failing. Mass beauty brands are
            result of the dominance of online retail.                shutting down their own roadside shops. Many of them are
            One  can  understand  this  evolution  by  taking  a     instead placing their brands/products in Olive young outlets
            deeper  look  at  what’s  happening  in  the  South      or other health and personal care stores. Standalone outlets
            Korean landscape of distribution channels.               continue to lose sales (to department stores, health and
                                                                     personal care stores, and e-commerce). And sales at beauty
            How THE RISE of oNLINE                                   specialists also decline, as beauty consumers have largely
            SHoPPINg HAS SHAPED BRICK                                shifted to Olive young or online platforms. Some retailers are
            & MoRTAR’S VALuE offER                                   falling out of the market. Sephora, which studied South Korea’s

            Consumers have been increasingly turning to internet retailing   beauty and personal care market for over two years before
            and home shopping channels as alternatives, enjoying     its launch, failed to gain market share. By January 2022, the
            cheaper prices than department stores might offer. This upturn   Sephora Myeong-dong outlet had closed. LOHBs, a drugstore/
            in ecommerce has resulted in interesting initiatives on the part   parapharmacy brand, planned to close all its 67 outlets across
            of retailers.  Take, for example, Market Kurly.  Adding to the   the country during 2022.
            competitive e-commerce beauty space, online grocery retailer   Olive young, on the other hand, continues to prosper. With high
            Market Kurly launched Beauty Kurly in 2022, focused on beauty   penetration both online and offline in the country, the company
            brands, encompassing both luxury and affordable brands, such   is considered a gateway to success for start-ups and is known
            as Estée Lauder, La Mer, Mac, Aveda, Lancôme, Biotherm, Lush,   for supporting its smaller brands. Start-ups with innovative
            La Roche-Posay, Dr Jart+ etc. Worthy of note: Market Kurly had   products often want to take their first step at Olive Young to
            also announced plans to leverage its signature “early morning   have this retail giant as a partner. Olive young, some say, is
            delivery” service via Beauty Kurly.                      setting the bar higher on what it means to be “omni-channel”
                                                                     upping the ante on what all brick-and-mortar and mortar shops
                                                                     must be able to provide.  A deeper dive into Olive  young’s
                                                                     activities reveals the lengths to which brick-and-mortar shops
                                                                     have to go in order to swim and not sink.

                                                                     CASE STuDy: oLIVE youNg

                                                                     As one of South Korea’s first movers in this distribution channel,
                                                                     (of  health  and  personal  care  stores),  Olive  young  quickly
                                                                     occupied strategic retail locations, before competitors could
                                                                     expand into them.
                                                                     As its competitors streamlined or closed their businesses, Olive
                                                                     young saw even more success. For example, in 2022, GS Retail
                                                                     announced its plan to permanently close its Lalavla health and
                                                                     personal care business, shutting down both offline and online
            With over 52% of sales coming from online marketplaces,   stores by the end of November 2022. In 2022, Lotte Shopping
            brick-and-mortar shops have also been forced to evolve, or   announced its plan to shut down roadside shops in its health
            close shop. To compete with e-commerce, offline retailers are   and personal care stores chain LOHB’s. Instead, LOHB’s is being
            offering experiential marketing and promotions, such as pop-  converted into LOHB’s Plus, a shop-in-shop format located in
            up stores, in-store events, and cafés inside outlets. For instance,   Lotte Shopping’s Lotte Mart hypermarket outlets.
            Daycell Cosmetics acquired a café brand, Rendeja-vous, in   Olive young’s dominance can also be attributed to maximising

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