P. 65


            As     mentioned    earlier,
            Korean    consumers   love                                                         BEAuTy EXPoRT VALuE
            global brands.  There is a                                                         fRoM SouTH KoREA
            great  demand  for  foreign                                                        2021, By DESTINATIoN
            cosmetic products in Korea.
            In a 2022 report, imports of
            global cosmetics into Korea
            were reported at $1.5 billion.
            France  came  in  #1  at  30%
            with $453 million worth of
            imports,  The  United  States
            registered 2nd at 23% with
            $345 million, and Japan was
            3rd at 17% with $257 million.
            Of these cosmetic imports, close to half of the imports are  KEy TRENDS: PREMIuMISATIoN,
            for skincare cosmetics. Haircare products came in 2nd at  SuSTAINABILITy, & PRoDuCTS
            15%, colour cosmetics at 14%, and perfumes at 11%. Foreign  BRANDED AS “gENDERLESS”
            cosmetic brands such as Dior, yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Estée   Natural and plant-based skincare has been popular amongst
            Lauder, and L’Oreal have found great success in South Korea.   Koreans for some time and continues to be so, as consumers
            Global brands have also been known to acquire Korean     are more cautious when it comes to synthetic chemical
            beauty companies. Estée Lauder bought Dr. Jart+ in late 2019   components. This has led to a greater demand for higher-quality
            for $1.1 billion. Goldman Sachs bought a minority stake in   ingredients at a premium price point. Consumers have opted
            GP Club Co., makers of Kbeauty facemasks. Unilever, NIVEA,   for premium versions of products in fragrances, additives, and
            and L’Oreal also have stakes in Korean cosmetic companies.   hand care, in addition to the traditional category of skin-care.
            For example, L’Oréal Group has launched a new K-beauty   Premium fragrances such as Jo Malone, Byredo, Le Labo, and
            brand called Shihyo and looks to target North Asian shoppers   Tom Ford are aggressively expanding their consumer base.
            across “beauty-intense” regions. In March of 2023 (this year),   By limiting the retail channels available, including department
            competition was fierce to acquire a controlling stake in Able   stores  and  official  websites,  certain  brands  have  been  able
            C&C, (the operator of a host of Korean budget cosmetics   to  maintain  their  higher-end  price  strategy  and  positioning.
            brands) with global beauty giants such as L’Oreal and LVMH   Fragrance houses also offer wide product lines and launch new
            reportedly joining the race. Five to six strategic international   scents, as well as expand into other categories.
            investors submitted their letters of intent to purchase 59.2   High-end premium beauty and personal care brands are
            percent of shares in Able C&C, (owned by IMM Private Equity)   expected to prosper more than entry-level brands. High-tier
            according to industry sources. In conclusion, although local   brands are maintaining consumer loyalty. As a result, higher-
            brands have grown increasingly popular, some analysts argue,   end brands such as Gucci Beauty,  Tom Ford, and Hermès
            there is more synergy than competition with global brands.  Beauty are expected to gain consumer interest, while brands
                                                                                                 such as Calvin Klein and Marc
                                                                                                 Jacobs are expected to lose
                      foREIgN CoSMETIC BRANDS THAT HAVE fouND                                    share to other brands.
                               gREAT SuCCESS IN SouTH KoREA                                      Today, more local companies

                                                                                                 are   making   sustainability
                                                                                                 a key part of their brand
                                                                                                 offer.  The  country’s  leading
                                                                                                 drugstore   Olive   young
                                                                                                 supports the clean movement
                                                                                                 by    operating  dedicated
                                                                                                 sections for Clean Beauty and
                                                                                                 Vegan  Beauty.  The  retailer
                                                                                                 holds  annual  Beauty  Awards
                                                                                                 to  recognize  brands  with
                                                                                                 sustainability claims.
                                                                                                 Genderless   products  are
                                                                                                 also trending, attracting both
                                                                                                 the millennials and Gen-Z

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