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                       300% gRowTH IN EXHIBIToR

                              PARTICIPATIoN foR THE

                          21  MIDDLE EAST oRgANIC
                       & NATuRAL PRoDuCTS EXPo                                                                                                                                        YEARS OF EXCELLENCE

                                                                                                                                                                           You won’t be just
                                                                                                                                                                            You won’t be just

                                                                                                                                                            exhibiting in a 3-day expo
                                                                                                                                                             exhibiting in a 3-day expo

                                                                                                                                                                        But signing up for a
                                                                                                                                                                        But signing up for a

                                                                                                                                                          365 Days Export Promotion!
                                                                                                                                                          365 Days Export Promotion!

            Middle East Organic & Natural Products   distributors and wholesalers across the   health and wellbeing. Infact, major
            Expo (Organic Expo Dubai) is one of the   Middle East. With over 12,000 business   organic and natural product suppliers
            longest running and sole business event   visitors, the expo serves as a bridge that   in the Middle East have registered a
            focusing on Agri, Bio, Organic, Natural   will diminish the gap between aspiring   300-400% rise in the demand for their
            and Eco-friendly products across F&B,   brands and the essential players in the   products. On the other hand, Dubai
            Cosmetic & Beauty, Natural Health and   region’s commercial ecosystem. With   is the world’s 3rd largest re-exporter
            Living & Environment in the Middle    300% increased exhibitor participation,   having $546 billion worth of goods
                                                                                                                                                    Get access to handpicked                Set up your outlet on             Pre-schedule and confirm
            East. The 21  Organic Expo Dubai will   the Organic Expo Dubai 2023 is set   being sent out, Middle East is fast
            be held from 12  – 14  December at    course for one of its most successful   emerging as a global re-export hub. The                      selection of our buyer                MENA’s biggest B2B                your face-to-face buyer
            Dubai World Trade Center (DWTC)       editions yet, says Shinu Pillai, General   organic packaged food market in the                      network and pitch your                 E-commerce portal                meetings even before the
            and is more than 90% booked, with     Manager at GL Exhibitions - Event     Middle East and Africa is valued at $820                         products to them                                                             show begins
            an increase in the number of official   Organizers.  Accelerating Brand     million in 2021. It is growing at a CAGR
            country pavilions and the number      Visibility and Engagement is the “365   of 7% and is expected to reach $1 billion
            of exhibitors from 235 last year to   Days Export Promotion” initiative. This   by 2026. The Middle Eastern food and
            350+ this year. It is the only platform   initiative ensures that brands secure   beverage market is growing due to a
            in the region to assist suppliers/    sustained visibility throughout the year   growing population, increasing wealth,
            manufacturers from 59+ countries      through an exclusive privilege and the   changing dietary habits, growing
            connect with buyers i.e., retailers,   ability to engage in up to five monthly   tourism, and government support.
            importers, distributors, re-exporters,   meetings with the MENA region’s most   These factors are driving demand for
            private labels, HORECA through an in-  influential buyers. Also receive one   high-quality and sustainable options,
            person show in December. In a rapidly   year access to regions 1  E-commerce   fueling continued growth in the market.
            evolving business landscape where     portal for organic and natural products   The region sees a growing demand
            consumer preferences and market       Arabian Organics and interact / receive   for Plant based & Vegan, Free from
            dynamics continuously reshape the     enquiries from over registered 32,00   products, Superfoods, Fresh produce,
            competitive arena, the significance   buyers. Organic and Natural is no longer   Spices, dry fruits, honey, tea & coffee,
            of strategic market entry cannot be   a buzzword in the Middle East, it’s being   baby food, petfood. The Organic Expo
            overstated. Organic Expo Dubai thrives   regarded as preventive medicine. This is   Dubai will be co-located with FarmTech                        Connecting brands with wholesalers and retailers
            as a dynamic platform facilitating the   due to increased awareness of organic   Mena, Organic Tea & Coffee, Fresh &
            convergence of new brands with vital   alternatives and a renewed focus on   Perishables, Organic Dry Fruits Expo.                                           in the Middle East for the last 20 years
                                    To know more about the events, write to us on

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