P. 90



                           ATTRACTED gREAT INTEREST

                          wITH 19,799 VISIToRS fRoM

                                             128 CouNTRIES

                        The 18th International Cosmetics, Beauty and
                    Hairdressing fair - BeautyEurasia, was held at the

                    Istanbul Expo Center between 15 - 17 June 2023

            BeautyEurasia, where the representatives of the
            cosmetics and personal care sectors meet, attracted
            great attention from visitors and participants.
            BeautyEurasia, increased the number of visitors by 14%
            compared to last year and hosted a total of 19,799 visitors
            from 128 countries, 27% of which were international.
            The participation rate of foreign visitors to
            the fair increased by 10% compared to last year.

                                                                    care products, hair   products. Emphasizing that cosmetics
                                                                    care products,      exports increased in all product groups
                                                                    packaging and       except hair removal products in the first
                                                                    labeling machines,   quarter, Mehmedova said, “While Türkiye
                                                                    wig-eyebrow-lash,   stood out as an important production
                                                                    epilation devices.   country in cosmetics, demand for
                                                                    Reviewing this      additional supply also increased. We see
                                                                    year’s performance   that Türkiye increased exports in general
                                                                    of the exhibition,   and above most of the sector’s average
            BeautyEurasia hosted participants from   BeautyEurasia Event Director Filiz   when we look at the first quarter of 2023.
            many countries, including a total of   Mehmedova, conveyed her thoughts:    In the light of these developments, in
            454 domestic and foreign companies,   “BeautyEurasia, which has a mission   this sector, whose exports increased
            mainly from countries such as Russia,   beyond providing a basis for new    by 27.1 percent in the first quarter of
            France, Bulgaria, Greece, India, Italy,   partnerships and export opportunities,   2023 compared to the same period
            Switzerland, Ukraine, Japan and       continued to draw the roadmap of the   of 2022 and rose to $652.3 million,
            China. The fair not only contributed   sector this year as well.” Hosting new   BeautyEurasia created new business,
            to the creation of new business and   export opportunities, BeautyEurasia   partnership and export opportunities for
            cooperation opportunities for exhibitors   has received a great deal of attention   Türkiye with its strong regional network.
            and visitors; but also hosted the most   and demand this year, especially from   As Türkiye’s only cosmetics fair for
            key product groups of the industry such   overseas. At the fair stands where hair,   18 years, we are happy to contribute
            as personal care products, perfumes and   make-up, nail, epilation and personal   to the development of the sector
            deodorants, hairdressing equipment,   care trends and business tips were    and the economy with BeautyEurasia,
            color cosmetics, cleaning and hygiene   shared, participants and visitors were   which was attended by 19,799 visitors
            products, baby hygiene products, nail   also informed about techniques and   from 128 countries this year.”

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