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               BIoDIVERSE CoSMETICS
               These plants are cultivated by the
               so-called “Custodian Farmers”
               as they protect and look after,
               in small lots of land, resources
               that risk extinction.
               The objective is therefore to make
               known niche Italian products,
               using them as raw materials
               in cosmetic formulations to
               encourage spreading them. Raw
               materials in biodiverse cosmetics
               are linked to the seasons and
               come directly from the farmers
               in question, they are processed    “TRANSfoRMABLE PowDER”
               in the Kosmetikal Research         “Transformable Powder” is a perfect example of Kosmetikal’s approach: it is a
               & Development laboratory           multitasking natural powder which can become, with the addition of water, a
               and proposed in the form           purifying face mask, a detox body pack and used pure, a dry shampoo. A powder
               of juices or glyceric extracts.    with ingredients of natural origin, it is designed to have three different skincare
                                                  treatments, which helps promote a zero-waste lifestyle without sacrificing skincare.
                                                  Packaged in practical recycled paper containers and with the possibility of refills,
                                                  Transformable Powder is vegan, and contains no water or plastic. It does contain
                                                  organic Aloe Vera, natural tapioca, ghassoul, a clay from Morocco that is traditionally
                                                  used as a shampoo and body wash, baobab extract, collected in support of the local
                                                  population, gold clay from Brazil, extracted using methods that preserve the area,
                                                  protecting wild fauna a and water resources, and 100% natural perfume.

                                                  SoCIAL SuSTAINABILITy                 Kosmetikal participated in the
                                                  In May, the students at the           event by donating a custom
                                                  School of Scenography                 scented body lotion containing
                                                  of the Urbino (Marche, Italy)         the “Happiness Complex”,
                                                  Academy of Fine Arts,                 a stimulator of B-endorphins
                                                  put on the play “La Joie de Vivre”,   which produces relaxing
                                                  in partnership with the Gioacchino    and anti-stress effects and
                                                  Rossini State Conservatory of Music.  well-being when applied to the skin.
                                                  Acting, dancing and engaging          The products were given to the
                                                  with the audience, the actors broke   audience at the end of each of
                                                  down the fourth wall in a unique      the three dates of the performance.
                                                  and fascinating performance in the    This is an example of Kosmetikal’s
                                                  beautiful baroque setting of the      initiatives of social and cultural
                                                  deconsecrated church of San Filippo   sustainability, supporting
                                                  in Fossombrone (Marche, Italy).       the local community.

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