P. 52
GeNerAL coNtrActor
LG: Henoto has become established EM: How are you structured
as an outstanding player at at international level?
international level thanks to a range LG: Henoto is present at international
of complete and integrated services. level with production sites and offices
Creative design, the planning not only in Europe but also in the United
and creation of fair installations, Arab Emirates, in Saudi Arabia, in
logistics management, assembly Mexico, in the United States of America,
and disassembly, as well as the in China and in India (the attached
creation of personalized events map shows the official offices and
and pop-ups on a global scale, Henoto’s partners). The Henoto offices
as well as creations of stores and have a team made up of a commercial
customized furnishings of every type manager, a building manager, assembly
stand out among the main services. teams, a project manager, technicians
This ability to offer personalized and designers. The local installers, who
and turnkey solutions has collaborate with us as official partners,
allowed Henoto to compete guarantee the quality and the efficiency
successfully on international markets. of our projects using our patented tools.
LUcA GrIGGIo, ceo, EM: Are you specialized in any sectors EM: think global, act local. Do you
HeNoto WorLDWIDe of goods in particular? agree with this slogan? Is it thanks
LG: yes, in the world of exhibitions, to a tailor-made service that your
EXPORT MAGAZINE: can you outline Henoto is specialized in a number dedicated teams are able to satisfy
the identity of HeNoto for us? of sectors in the world of trade fairs, your clientele in the geographical
When was the company founded including beauty, health & wellness, areas where you operate?
and what was the main element interior design, ICT, nautical, industry, LG: Absolutely, yes, we fully agree with
that led it its foundation? building, agriculture, packaging, the slogan of “Think global, act local”.
LUcA GrIGGIo: Henoto was founded medical and pharmaceutical, This approach is at the centre of our
with the ambition of becoming an automotive and sustainability. We also operative philosophy. HENOTO firmly
international point of reference in want to clarify that we are partners of believes in the importance of having a
the sector of trade fair installations. many clients in the creation of pop- global vision of the market, but at the
Its creation is the result of a strategic ups, stores and customized furnishing same time in adapting its strategies and
project which brought together various at international level. Our strategy services to the local specificities of each
specialized companies, purchased over includes an in-depth analysis of the geographical area where we operate.
the years by Bologna Fiere, with the most important sectors and trade fairs at Thanks to a tailor-made service, our
aim of offering integrated or made- international level. dedicated teams can understand in
top-measure solutions for events and This lets us develop targeted web depth the specific requirements
exhibitions on a global scale. marketing campaigns which allow us of each client and each local market.
The idea underlying its creation to reach various clients on the global This allows us to offer made-to-measure
was that of capitalizing on the local market. In addition, we are constantly solutions, perfectly in line with the
competences and resources monitoring the various markets to be cultural, commercial and logistic
to compete at international level, able to propose personalized and expectations of each region.
guaranteeing quality and innovation innovative solutions to our clients all Operating in different geographical
in the services offered. over the world. Thanks to this approach, areas, from the European continent to
Henoto can anticipate market trends, the United States, from China to the
EM: What are the main services that providing a service of high quality United Arab Emirates, we can combine
have made HeNoto an outstanding and helping our clients reach their our international experience with a
player at international level? objectives on an international scale. localized approach which gives value