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tHe 60 ANNIVerSArY oF FArmeN
A long journey aimed at emphasizing beauty
The story of FARMEN begins in 1964 when two pioneers, Gian Piero Manzetti
and Maria Rosa Ceccon, started a small company to make cosmetics, to then
go on to produce hair colourings, in the first location in Via Roccati in Turin.
They could be
defined ‘those fine
entrepreneurs of once
upon a time’: the desire to succeed, to ‘do good,’
and to experiment new paths to create innovative
products for a market that even then was already
promising, that of beauty. Mr Gian Piero at the
head of R & D and Mrs Maria Rosa, in charge of
the management of the company, created in a few
years a firm that is a real pride of Italian production.
1991 was the year in which the Vitality’s brand
was started, with the aim of offering hairdressers
innovative products and efficient solutions for
the development of their professional activity.
In the meantime, the second generation of entrepreneurs joined the company. They were Guido Bassignana,
Gianni Manzetti and Alberto Manzetti, keeping their trust in the company and developing its strengths which
revolve around a basic concept: knowledge, applied in all areas of work.
tHe LAborAtorIeS
The R & D is carried out in three
different laboratories, and is led by FArmeN IN tHe WorLD
experts of the sector who every day It is thanks to Vitality’s that Farmen, in the 1990s, started
push the boundary of excellence a its journey of internationalization. France, the first market
little further away, from the birth of the after the Italian one, this year celebrates its 30 anniversary.
formula to its experimentation in vivo. Progressively, commercial agreements were then signed with
Each year, about 600 formulas are foreign distributors in 70 countries, In the five continents.
developed; each of these is examined The distributors are supported by marketing campaigns and
with the greatest care, until fewer assisted with a strong training activity, through teams especially
than 100 of these are selected for dedicated to the individual markets. The success of Farmen is
production. The initial creativity in the stressed by its strong connotation as a company “made in Italy”,
conception of a new product cannot in which the typical values of our best Italian firms emerge:
disregard an absolute guarantee of quality, innovation and design.
quality, without any compromise linked
to the formula of the raw materials used.
eFFIcIeNt proDUctIoN
One of the fundamental characteristics of FARMEN is that of being an important industrial
company. The factory stands on a surface area of some 60,000 sq. m., with a production capacity
of about one hundred thousand units of product per day. Thanks to technology which is always
highly advanced, it is possible to optimize the production cycles; for example, a robotized
system in a controlled microclimate has been installed for the production of bleach. It is precisely
thanks to a system of climate control that supervises the temperature and the hydrometry, that it
is possible to reduce the polluting agents and guarantee the necessary safety measures.