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                                                                                        creating formulations based on natural
                                                                                        elements such as myrtle, juniper,
                                                                                        marine trace elements and fruit acids.
                                                                                        ZERO VEGAN, an ammonia-free
                                                                                        vegan colouring, which is very
                                                                                        delicate while maintaining
                                                                                        excellent coverage.
                                                                                            HEART, a traditional colour
                                                                                              line which follows the
                                                  FArmeN toDAY                                present-day trends of
                                                  To support a development                    colour, offering an excellent
                                                  which takes into consideration             cosmetic result on the hair.
                                                  the environment without                    WEHO, a line of styling
                                                  compromising the future                    products which, with respect
                                                  of the new generations,                    to their launch in 2004,
                                                  Farmen is convinced that                   has been updated and
                                                  sustainability is the path of the          completed by the CARE &
                                                  future, and believes that this            STyLE and CARE & SCALP
                                                  is the path to take to reach              lines for the ‘care’ area.
                                                  a highly evolved concept of
                                                  beauty, where the objective
                                                  is the balance between
                                                  man and the ecosystem.

                                                  LINeS For tHe
                                                  coNSUmerS oF tHe
                                                  tHIrD mILLeNNIUm
            prIVAte LAbeL                         All the lines are constantly updated,
            bUSINeSS                              both at the level of the formula and

            It is thanks to the know-how developed   through a restyling of the image.
            over the years, with the creation of   We can mention some of these.
            products with an important added value   ART, an innovative colouring line
            given by an impeccable performance,   where a blend of conditioning oils
            that Farmen has been able to offer its   is added to the colour mixture,
            experience and productive capacity to   with eye-catching packaging,
            countless brands, producing lines of   similar to the box of a fragrance.
            products for private labels with high   INTENSIVE, a programme of
            standards of quality and reliability, both   well-being for the scalp and the hair,
            in Italy and abroad.                  which has anticipated the times,

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