Page 14 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 14



                              PIONEERING NEW PRODUCTS

          Collistar Milano is well-known for its cutting-edge research and exploration of

          the beauty universe to offer its consumers safe, effective and unique products.

          Two of its latest products are no exceptions to this philosophy.

                                                     Attivi Puri: Retinol
                                                     Retinol  is  the   most
                                                     powerful   multipurpose
                                                     molecule  for  renewed,
                                                     smooth, luminous and
                                                     even skin. Derived from
                                                     Vitamin   A    naturally
                                                     produced by our skin, it
                                                     stimulates cell renewal
                                                     as well as collagen and
                                                     elastin  production.  It
                                                     therefore plays a key
                                                     role in improving the
                                                     signs of ageing, lost tone
                                                     and elasticity, while also
                                                     regulating  pigmentation
                                                     and improving uneven
                                                     skin texture. To  deliver  NOT: Not Ordinary Treatment

                                                     the skincare  action of   This hybrid line is for beauty beyond ordinary,
                             traditional  retinol while minimizing the  associated   created to highlight the not ordinary spontaneous
                             risks (especially for sensitive skin), the Attivi Puri line   beauty of a generation that expresses itself
                             has been expanded to include a dedicated molecule,   authentically.
                             HPR Retinol, highly effective and tolerable. This next-  It  comprises  7  multipurpose,  multi-zone  products,
                             generation form of Retinol comes in an optimum    with 7 formulas with sensory textures, all featuring
                             concentration, delivering the right dose of the active   sustainable Italian Raspberry Extract with hydrating
                             ingredients, giving the skin just what it needs and   and soothing properties.
                             guaranteeing  the  highest  possible  tolerance.  As  it   All  the  products  are  both  skincare  infused  and
                             is effective and safe for the skin, using HPR Retinol   skin-friendly, making them the ideal solution for
                             guarantees an intense anti-age action on multiple   everyone who believes that authentic beauty goes
                             fronts: it accelerates cell turnover, it minimizes fine   beyond  the  ordinary,  reflecting  our  individuality
                             lines and wrinkles, it improves the texture of the   without conforming to standards inspired by a fluid
                             skin and regulates pigmentation.                  generation. The products are effective and versatile.

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