Page 44 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 44



          The Italian business has been guided

          by the family’s values and teachings                                              New burani launches in 2023
                                                                                            2023 marks the arrival of a new collection
                                                                                            of  Body  Mists  and  Hydrating  Body
          “With passion and commitment, we have  Coveri, the art of seduction               Lotions! In perfect Mariella Burani style,

          created a company that reflects the values                   Enrico Coveri        with names that recall the richness,
          and teachings shared in our family. These                    was a real           softness and luminosity of the fabrics
          values guide us in the relationship with our                 fashion star.        chosen for her clothes: velvets, silks and
          employees and customers.”                                    His vitality and     soft linens, with floral motifs inspired by
          This is the credo that the Berchi family                     energy were an       Mariella Burani’s iconic creations, paying
          has believed in for over thirty years,                       essential and        tribute to all Burani women.
          allowing  them to  achieve great  success                    unforgettable
          in  the cosmetics business with  their                       part of the free
          brands  Canova  and  Dermatrophine.  A                       and carefree
          turning point came in July 2020, with                        spirit of the
          the development of the perfumery                             1980s.
          distribution channel as a strategic focus   “Sequins are to Coveri what chains  are
          for Sifarma  which  entered  the  perfume   to Chanel” Janie Samet wrote in Le Figaro
          market  by  signing  licensing  agreements   in 1983. His innovative style focused on
          with Italian designer brands for the   elements  that  will  remain  milestones  in
          development and global distribution    the Enrico Coveri fashion house: colour,
          of fragrances. Italian brands that have   pop  graphics  and  sequins.  Coveri  is  still
          written the history of  fashion  and   a dynamic brand today that is not limited
          perfumery in Italy and in the world    by its history but continues to renew
          have been carefully selected for this   its  offer,  carefully  following  its  idea  of
          new chapter. The fragrances, with an   “life style”. In 2020 Sifarma began the
          “affordable luxury” positioning, represent   strategic review of the Coveri portfolio
          a perfect combination  of  quality  and   and launched a new generation of
          refinement with prices accessible for all   contemporary Coveri fragrances. These
          budgets. The offer is constantly evolving   new launches in the Coveri Contemporary
          and being enriched by new fragrances for   franchise in 2023 include ENRICO COVERI
          men and women, resulting in a wide offer   BLACK CONTEMPORARY, and COVERI
          with perfumes for every occasion.      CONTEMPORARY GIRL ROSE GLOW.

          basile                                 of Basile men’s fragrances created by   A new fragrance collection, faithful to the
          The brand was founded in the late 1970s   Sifarma in 2023. Attention to tailoring   brand’s sartorial heritage, has come into
          from  a  solid  male  sartorial  tradition.  It   details and quality fabrics have always   being. It can be described as traditional
          quickly became the first Italian company   been the hallmarks of the Basile brand.   but with an eye on the future. The stitched
          to produce men’s and women’s ready-to-                                         label as the line’s defining graphic element
          wear fashions. It was also in part thanks                                      recalls the labels of sartorial suits. The
          to  the  BASILE  brand  that  Milan  gained                                    choice of patterns and names echoes
          its  fame  on  the  fashion  scene!  In  2022                                  typical menswear fabrics. In December
          Sifarma  signed  a  license  agreement  for                                    2022, SIFARMA purchased the Morris and
          the production and global distribution                                         Gocce  brands.  With  Sifarma,  this  marks
          of Basile fragrances, with the first launch                                    the beginning of a new chapter for the
                                                                                         Morris brand. New projects are coming
         42                                                                              in the next few months, starting with the
                                                                                         new generation of Gocce di Napoleon.
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