Page 65 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 65

The annual conference                                                                                 EVENTS

          and exhibition in Cannes

          this year from 1 to 5 October

          The Conference                                           The social programme
          The keynote speaker at the Conference, from 9.00 a.m. to   It’s not all work and no play: the social programme maximizes
          11.45 a.m. in the Grand Auditorium, following the opening   opportunities for mixing and networking.
          address by TFWA President Erik Juul-Mortensen, will be the   The eve-of-show Sunday sports return this year with a
          American journalist and author Bob Woodward, a winner    wheelchair rugby tournament organized by Stade Toulousain
          of two Pulitzer Prizes, one for his investigative reporting   Rugby Handisport. Combining wheelchair rugby and blind
          on the Watergate scandal in 1973.                        football, the activity allows individuals and teams of five to
          Also joining the programme is professor and author Erin   try their hand at these adaptive sports while raising disability
          Meyer, author of ‘The Culture Map: Breaking through the   awareness. Proceedings begin at 8.30 a.m. with a welcome
          Invisible Boundaries of Global Business’. She will address   breakfast at the Gymnase Capron near the Hotel Martinez.
          topics including leadership, business trends, diversity   Later  that  day,  the  traditional  Opening  Cocktail  takes  place
          and  the  future  of  work.  Economist,  entrepreneur  and   from 7.00 p.m. on the Carlton Beach. The cocktail is one of the
          author Dr Pippa Malmgren who was special  assistant  to   week’s social highlights and ideal for renewing old friendships
          US President George W. Bush, will share her expertise on   or starting new ones before business starts.
          topics  including  geopolitical  risks  and  trends,  economic   In the evening the TFWA Lounge is open in two session, from
          policy, Brexit and tech innovation.                      6.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. and from 10.00 p.m. to 1.00 a.m., in
          Respected journalist and broadcaster Stephen Sackur will   the Carlton  Beach  waterside location. Open  from Monday
          return as the conference moderator. The popular TFWA     to Wednesday, the TFWA Lounge will also feature live music
          Airport Forum workshop will return to Cannes this year, at   on  Wednesday. The ONE2ONE meeting  service  will  again
          the Majestic Hotel on Tuesday at 8.00 a.m., during which   be  active,  facilitating  introductory  encounters  between
          delegates will hear the findings of ACI’s ANARA working   exhibiting brands, key buyers, airports and trade agents.
          group on the future for non-aeronautical revenues.       Eligible companies simply name the participants they want to
          A second workshop on the ‘Duty Free: Trusted, Transparent,   meet and the ONE2ONE team does the rest, even providing
          Secure” anti-illicit trade campaign will be held from 8.00   onsite support. The meetings will take place on Tuesday
          a.m. on Wednesday, again at the Majestic Hotel.          afternoon and all day on Wednesday and Thursday.

         e XH i B i T i ON  P ROGRAMM e

          SUN 01 OCT             MON 02 OCT              TUE 03 OCT             WED 04 OCT              THU 05 OCT

          08:30 - 13:00          09:00 - 11:45           08:00 - 09:00          08:00 - 09:00           09:00 - 17:00
          Wheelchair rugby       Conference              TFWA Airport           Duty Free: Trusted,     Registration
          tournament             Grand Auditorium,       Forum workshop         Transparent,            Gare Maritime
                                 Palais des Festivals    Majestic Hotel, salon Croisette  secure workshop
          09:00 - 19:30                                                         Majestic Hotel, salon Croisette  09:00 - 17:00
          Registration           09:00 - 18:30           09:00 - 18:30                                  Exhibition &
          Gare Maritime          Registration            Registration           09:00 - 18:30           ONE2ONE meetings
                                 Gare Maritime           Gare Maritime          Registration            Palais des Festivals
          19:00                                                                 Gare Maritime
          Opening Cocktail       12:00 - 18:30           09:00 - 18:30                                  09:00 - 17:00
          Carlton Beach          Exhibition              Exhibition             09:00 - 18:30           TFWA i.lab
                                 Palais des Festivals    Palais des Festivals   Exhibition &            Palais des Festivals, Golden Village
                                 12:00 - 18:30           09:00 - 18:30          ONE2ONE meetings
                                 TFWA i.lab              TFWA i.lab             Palais des Festivals
                                 Palais des Festivals, Golden Village  Palais des Festivals, Golden Village  09:00 - 18:30
                                 18:30 - 21:00           10:30 - 11:30          TFWA i.lab
                                 TFWA Lounge:            TFWA i.lab pitch sessions  Palais des Festivals, Golden Village
                                 after-work session      Palais des Festivals, Golden Village  14:30 - 15:30
                                 Carlton Beach                                  TFWA i.lab pitch sessions
                                                         14:00 - 18:30
                                 22:00 - 01:00           ONE2ONE meetings       Palais des Festivals, Golden Village
                                 TFWA Lounge:            Palais des Festivals   18:30 - 21:00
                                 night-time session                             TFWA Lounge:
                                 Carlton Beach           18:30 - 21:00          after-work session
                                                         TFWA Lounge:
                                                         after-work session     Carlton Beach
                                                         Carlton Beach          22:00 - 01:00
                                                         22:00 - 01:00          TFWA Lounge:
                                                         TFWA Lounge:           night-time session                          63
                                                         night-time session     (with live music for
                                                         Carlton Beach          the closing night)
                                                                                Carlton Beach
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