P. 142
The venue: the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai, India. Reasons for attending Cosmoprof India
The dates: 5 to 7 December 2024. Over 12,000 attendees are The growth of Cosmoprof India reflects the impressive development
expected at Cosmoprof India this year, generating significant of the region. Today India is the most populated country in the
anticipation. Visitors and exhibitors will be exploring and world, with over 1.3 billion people, and it has become a strategic
revealing the latest trends and innovations presented by more market. India is the 4th largest beauty market in the world in terms
than 700 brands. With a diverse array of new products and of purchase volumes, and it is expected to grow up to 40% by 2026.
cutting-edge events, Cosmoprof India 2024 is poised to be a Personal care, make-up and skin care are the fastest-growing
landmark event in the beauty and cosmetics industry. Five halls sectors, with a CAGR rate of 4.5% but fragrances are increasing
will be occupied by the show, each dedicated to showcasing he their sales percentage too. As well as being a production hub for
diverse sectors of the beauty industry. Cosmoprof India will be beauty brands, owing to the development of a local supply chain,
in Pavilion Halls 1,2,3 – Ground level, for an aggregate exhibition India is also a land for exports from the UK; China, UAE, USA, EU,
area of more than 24,000 sq.m. All the beauty sectors will Singapore and Korea. Traditionally devoted to Yoga and Ayurveda,
be represented, from the supply chain to finished branded India is a reference hub for wellbeing and holistic beauty brands.
products. Cosmopack India will showcase the finest solutions in Strong attention to sustainable practices and proposals is catching
Ingredients and Raw materials, machinery and Equipment, OEM up, too. Cosmoprof India is also a reference event for its neighbours
and ODM, Private Label, primary and Secondary Packaging. such as Nepal, the Maldives, Sri Lanka and bangladesh, which has
Cosmoprof India will cater to the needs of professionals and an expected annual growth rate of 9% over the next four years
retailers with the latest offerings in beauty Salon and Spa (2024 to 2028).Cosmoprof India is thus the reference hub for
Equipment and Furnishing, hair Care, Nail & Accessories, stakeholders interested in business opportunities in a region with
Natural & Organic, perfumery, Cosmetics and Toiletries. The great potential that is still to be explored.
international appeal of the exhibition will be reinforced by the
presence of the United Kingdom, Spain, and Germany as country Special events
pavilions, Key players in the sector that have already confirmed and education
their participation in Cosmoprof and Cosmopack India 2024 Cosmoprof India also offers high
include Agi Greenpack, Alfaparf, b.Kolor MakeUp & Skincare, JK quality educational sessions with
Lifestyle, Streamline beauty India, Takemoto and many more. the participation of prestigious
international experts. CosmoTalks
International connections brings together key players to
As part of the Cosmoprof international network, Cosmoprof India discuss the most trending topics
offers stakeholders top-performing tools to facilitate connections and challenges for the industry.
with international peers and generate new leads, owing to the Cosmo Onstage will provide live demos and updates on new
top-notch services provided by the buyer programme. This year, treatments for hair, nails and skincare. The Cosmoprof Awards
the event will host over 200 buyers from India, Nepal, bangladesh, and Cosmopack Awards India are also part of the programme,
Sri Lanka, the Middle East and Europe. The programme offers this year also featuring the Runway by Cosmoprof India, a
assistance and hospitality to key players, facilitating b2b dazzling fashion show that will make the Awards ceremony an
meetings on the show floor. The exclusive software ‘Cosmoprof unforgettable experience. In 2024 for the first time, One Shot By
India My Match’ ensures the best connections between exhibiting On Hair will be in Mumbai. As a preview of On Hair, this exclusive
companies and potential buyers, maximizing stakeholders’ event will debut as part of Cosmoprof India, which is dedicated
experience at the show in Mumbai. to showcasing the leading companies in the hair industry.