Page 18 - Export Magazine
P. 18


                                     REHuB+ SPEcIALIST

                     MuLTIBoNdINg TEcHNoLogy

                               HEALTHy HAIR_ALwAyS

                                                  uLTRA-PERfoRMINg PRoducTS

                                                  foR uNEXPEcTEd RESuLTS

                                                  BIo-AcTIvE LAMINATIoN                 METAL EQuALIzER
                                                  Regenerates the hair surface for      PRE-TREATMENT
                                                  a long-lasting mirror-effect shine.   for a more homogeneous
                                                  It produces a targeted regeneration   and luminous color.
                                                  of the hair surface, imparting a mirror-  The REHUB+ Specialist
                                                  effect intense shine. It acts by rebuilding   equalizing chelating
                                                  the hair fiber, in maximum lightness,   fluid, applied before
                                                  enhancing the technical and cosmetic   a coloring or bleaching
                                                  results of professional services.     treatment, guarantees:
                                                                                        anti-breakage protection,
                                                  MuLTIBoNdINg BLEAcHINg                inactivating metals with its
                                                  The lightening that hydrates and      chelating action and optimal,
                                                  protects the hair for a perfect blond.  uniform and reliable technical
                                                  REHUB+ Specialist MULTIBONDING        result, thanks to its equalizing
                                                  LIGHTENING SySTEM offers the ideal    action which intervenes
                                                  products to create a perfect blonde in   selectively where the
                                                  maximum protection of the hair fiber.  hair fiber is most damaged.

       THE SER v I c ES

            Transform the hair from
            within with anti-breakage
            efficacy, instantly regenerating it.
            With REHUB+ Specialist it is
            possible to act in a targeted
            and immediate way on the
            hair fiber, deeply regenerating
            it with the formation of new
            internal bonds, transforming
            its quality and appearance by sealing                       fRoM SALoN To HoME
            the cuticle and split ends, restoring            From today unexpected results even at home with the new
            body and integrity for a new hair                         REHUB+ professional maintenance kits.
            that is strong, resistant to breakage,
            extraordinarily soft and bright.             To PRoLoNg THE EffEcT of SALoN TREATMENT

                     more info:       Helen Seward milano       helenseward_official        Helen Seward milano

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