Page 48 - Export Magazine
P. 48
It offers a private label service produced and therefore uses less
providing a wide variety of natural energy for disposal. For secondary
active ingredients. The company, in ones, only FSC paper is used,
fact, is specialized in formulation and which comes from forests where
production of cosmetic products, by the wood is responsibly extracted.
selecting active ingredients extracted Physio Natura is the expression of
from plants and fruit of the italian Made in Italy cosmetic at international
territory. PDT Cosmetici follow all level; in fact, it has a distribution
the steps useful for the creation network that reaches Asia, bringing to
of a branded product, for a private the world the careful selection of raw
label service 100% Made in Italy. materials and the quality of research of
PDT Cosmetici is certified ISO 9001 the company’s in-house laboratories.
and ISO 22716, recognition that
PDT Cosmetici, a natural cosmetic certifies the creation, the application
laboratory in Puglia, was born at and the maintenance of a management
the beginning of the 90’s in order and organizational system conform
to provide a wide range of effective to specific standards of reference
cosmetics, formulated and at international level.
producted in-house. From the union between the love of
PDT Cosmetici is the result of passion nature and the latest technologies
of Giovanni De Tommasi, a pharmacist of PDT Cosmetici’s R&D department
with a passion for natural formulas, comes Physio Natura, a brand
and Maria Antonietta Plantone, for professional aesthetics with
present CEO of the company. dedicated treatment protocols.
The face and body formulas of
Physio Natura, based on active The next scheduled fairs
ingredients of natural origin and are Cosmoprof Mumbai
processed with innovative extraction and Cosmoprof Bologna.
processes that amplify their
effectiveness, are also designed for An expression of the brand’s
daily wellness at home. The brand philosophy is definitely the new
includes the presence of the home care anti-aging facial line, tested in vivo
format in retail channels as well. on a panel of 20 volunteers over 40,
Physio Natura products are formulated to fight all signs of aging.
VEGAN VALIDATED, NICKEL and The natural active ingredients selected
DERMATOLOGICALLy TESTED. are Camellia Japonica, rich in vitamins
For several years, Physio Natura has A and E, which stimulates collagen
been on a path to achieve greater production and counteracts the
sustainability in cosmetic production. action of free radicals, and blackberry,
The company is located in a modern The commitment to the environment which nourishes and restores vitality.
facility with Research and Development also translates into upcycling Technological actives include
laboratories, Quality Control, methods and circular economy. Matrixyl 3000® and FUCOLIFE GR
production plants, semi-automatic lines For primary packaging, plastic derived ® that work synergistically on skin
for packaging and large rooms for from sugarcane is used, which is reparative processes and ensure
storing the finished product. reusable and allows less waste to be visible anti-wrinkle efficacy.
ADV_antietà.indd 1 16/10/23 14:03