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                                                                                                       proposal and that
            MILAN: gLAMouR                                                                             of Parlux, that of the
            EvENT wITH PARLuX                                                                          most original and
            “THE cREATIvITy of THE                                                                     creative hairstyle.
            BARBIE STyLE HAIRSTyLINg                                                                   The “Barbie Style
            AwARdEd AT THE BARBIE                                                                      Talent Contest” turned
            STyLETALENT coNTEST”                                                                       out to be not only
            During the recent Milano Fashion                                                           a simple Milanaise
            Week, Sunday September 24th, at the                                                        appointment during
            Diaz space in the heart of the Milan’s                                                     MFW but became
            downtown, Parlux, leader company                                                           a real youth socio-
            in the hairstyling industry, chose and   by the famous iconic doll Barbie.   cultural experience to face some social
            awarded the winners of the new contest   This event, created by Gabriella   issues such as the female identity and
            devoted to young talents in the fashion   Chiarappa, journalist and fashion   gender equality. The hair designers on
            design and in the hairdressing inspired   manager, was sponsored by “Regione   competition appreciated all different
                                                  Lombardia” and by the                              technical features of
                                                  “Camera Nazionale                                  the Parlux hairdryers,
                                                  Giovani Fashion                                    in particular: power,
                                                  Designer” and hosted                               lightweight, perfect
                                                  an experts’ jury who                               balance and some
                                                  evaluated many fashion                             exclusive technological
                                                  proposals and creative,                            devices such as the Air
                                                  original hairstyles                                Ionizer Tech, the HFS
                                                  devoted to the Barbie                              (Hair Free System),
                                                  universe, realized by                              the Anti-Bacterial
                                                  eight selected fashion                             treatment – nowadays,
                                                  designers                                          all indispensable
                                                  and hairstylists.                                  characteristics of
                                                  Two the awards given,                              the tools devoted
                                                  that of the jury, who                              to hairdressers using
                                                  chose the best outfit                              them every day.

            PARLuX SuPPoRTS woMEN
            vIcTIMS of vIoLENcE
            The world leader in the hairdryer
            industry, supports the projects
            of the Milanaise association cAdMI
            in the shelter for abused women
            Parlux decided to support the next
            projects of a Milanaise association
            throught a volontary donation.. The cooperation agreement   of the association says: “anger is not enough, a real help is
            also foresees communication campaigns to promote the     useful to be able to help” and CADMI focuses all their efforts
            association activity on the Parlux social networks. In addition,   and commitment in this direction”. The House of Reception
            the Parlux website will soon host a whole section devoted   for Abused Women is the first anti-violence center founded
            to the CADMI cooperation with a link to the page “support”   in Italy in 1986, a place of listening and reception for women
            just for fundraising. “We are very glad to start a cooperation   victims of physical, psychological, sexual, economic or stalking
            with the association CADMI and hope to contribute at this   violence. Since then it has supported over 36 thousand
            important mission in an efficient way as we share the project   women in their journey out of violence, offering hospitality
            100%” , said Ms. Elisa Parodi, Parlux’s Board member.    in “shelter homes”, secret address homes for women in
            We know very well the CADMI daily task in the area; the   danger of their lives, legal advice, psychological support and
            communication campaign that is going to start soon aims to   art therapy. Not only that, for women’s full autonomy, the
            help many abused women. Nowadays in Italy there are still   association also offers support in the professional area, to
            many aggression cases almost every day; as one of the slogan   allow them to enter or re-enter the world of work.

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