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Celebrating yet another successful edition, the Professional Beauty India Mumbai 2024 Salon management congress
show witnessed a record-breaking footfall of 20497 visitors in two action-packed days A core part of the Professional Beauty
cementing it as the largest B2B trade show for the beauty and hair industry in South Asia. India expo is a 2 day conference
focused on the challenges that
Modern Barber Competition salons and brands face in the
One of the most anticipated growth of the professional sector.
highlights of the show was The Salon Management Congress
The Modern Barber competition, conference brought together almost
powered by Hairoticmen and 50 key salon owners from across
supported by tool partner India alongside brand owners and
Gamma+ Professional and importers to discuss pressing issues,
furniture partner Ikonic Furniture. including customer relationship and
With over 100 barbers from all over data management, marketing tools for
India competing, the event marked the the salon business, vendor management
first step in building an offline platform strategies and much more.
Supported by haircare brand, 3 TenX for the Indian barbering community
as the Presenting Partner and Ikonic with the bar raised by bringing Kohot Job Fair – Recruitment Platform
Professional as the Powered by Partner, together judges from across the world PBI also hosted the Kohot Job Fair,
alongside 300+ exhibiting brands, and India for the competition including a recruitment platform aimed at
Professional Beauty India reaffirmed its Asha Hariharan, Jordan Tabakman bridging the gap between salons
position as one of the fastest growing (Australia), JJ Savani (UK), Milan Bhatia, and potential employees.
shows in the global Professional Beauty Prathamesh Sawant, Sahil Jadhav, A new initiative from the
Group portfolio. As the largest trade show Seema V Jerajani, and Unnati Singh. Professional Beauty Group,
in the region, the expo not only drew key Kohot is dedicated to solving the
buyers from across India from Jammu recruitment challenge for brands
& Kashmir in the north down to Tamil and salons in India and globally.
Nadu in the south but also a wide gambit
of international visitors from South Asia Modern Barber Awards
(Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka) as & SNAP India Awards
well as globally from across Asia, Europe, A major highlight of the Mumbai show
North America and South America. was the launch of the Modern Barber
The overwhelming response underscored Awards and the SNAP India Awards.
the growing international interest in These inaugural awards recognise
one of the world’s fastest growing big excellence in barbering, creative hair,
economies as India’s growing middle colour Stage – Live colour education makeup, and nail artistry.
class and focus on beauty and wellness New to the India region was the The awards received widespread
trends wets the appetite for more Colour Stage curated by the applause from the industry, further
international brands to come over. Hairdressers Journal India team, solidifying PBI’s commitment to
offering a platform for colour celebrating talent and innovation.
brands and colourists to showcase With its vibrant mix of live demos,
their colouring techniques to expertise competitions, product launches,
to an education hungry audience. seminars, and networking opportunities,
With the growth of colour brands the Professional Beauty India Mumbai
in the India market, the need show had something for everyone
to enhance colour education is ensuring it remained the leading
paramount and the Colour Stage was exhibition for the beauty and
an exciting debut to the Mumbai show. hair industry in South Asia.