P. 56
A valuable partner to develop innovative products
to support customers’ brands on the market
The Alfaparf Group is the world’s leading Italian beauty company in the professional
channel. Our Company was established in 1980, taking the first steps in the north
of Italy, then in the 90s, we broadened our horizons beyond national borders,
becoming the first Italian cosmetics company in the world in the professional
channel. Since our early beginnings, we have taken steps to create an independent
and integrated group, attentive to innovation and market trends: our numerous
brands and the number of international companies and leaders in the beauty
market who rely on our expertise to develop projects and products for the hair and
body are evidence of this. Our business divisions constantly interact with each other,
circulating skills and transforming them into the best responses to the evolution in
the industry; by doing so, we continue to improve the quality of the service offered
by professional operators, leaving a better world for future generations.
We launched in 1980 thanks to the idea of
Roberto Franchina, who, along with around
ten people, began to design products in
northern Italy for the hairdressing channel.
In the 90s we began the adventure
abroad. The first exports were to Spain
and Latin America, followed by the
commercial branches and first factories
opened in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and square meters. The Group’s international PrIVATe LAbeL
Venezuela. At the end of the 90s, Alfaparf vocation has been confirmed and grown For decades, the Alfaparf Group
Milano took the qualitative leap towards over the years with the opening of various has made its formulation know-how
being a global benchmark company in branches in Latin America, the USA, and and the international presence
the professional cosmetics market. In fact, Australia. Alongside the activities related of its manufacturing sites available
in 2000, we completed the development to the Group’s brands, the Private Label to win over customers who are
of the Osio Sotto headquarters, a total business has also grown substantially. looking for a partner capable of
area of 25 thousand square meters, where The production on behalf of third parties, developing innovative products to
manufacturing and storage still take place especially in the colour area, has become support their brands on the market.
today, as well as office space. In the early a flagship thanks to Alfaparf Group’s know- Specialist technical competence,
2000s, we expanded the two flagship how and development of commercial a strong relationship with the
factories (Mexico and Brazil) to reach relationships with increasingly high-quality customer and a strong predisposition
their current size of about 30 thousand and outstanding clients. Over recent years, to build lasting partnerships are
Alfaparf Group has been determined to the characteristics that distinguish
move towards globalization, both in terms the Private Label division of
HIGHLIGHTS of new geographical locations and new Alfaparf Group. The consolidated
· Over 40 years of experience brands and/or distribution channels. The technical and regulatory competence
in professional cosmetics globalization phenomenon has influenced allows custom development and
· 5 manufacturing plants (Italy, Brazil, the way we work. Today, all the Group’s product validation to be carried
Mexico, Venezuela and Argentina) branches work in an interconnected way, out in Italy, Brazil and Mexico,
· 25 branches ensuring consistent standards which the three main manufacturing
· Over 100 countries around the world are recognized internationally. sites of the group.
· More than 2,800 collaborators
· A portfolio of 15 brands
· Over 100 million consumers 50